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The tension was clear between the two. You decided to speak "you called me here?"

"Yeaah" he paused as he closed the distance between you and knelt holding your hand before placing his phone on the table just beside you

"y/n in these days... I've realized..." His teary eyes revealed the sincerity he held.

"I've understood that... I can't live without you, my life is incomplete with you not in it" he softly raised his hands and cupped your face "I really love you y/n, give me just one chance and I promise I will not disappoint you"

His confession left you with tears. You held his hands that were on your cheeks "Promise me you will not flirt with other girls"

"Never. I promise"

"You know how much I missed you in these months" you pouted, only to gain a breathy chuckle from him.

"So am I forgiven?"

"Not now... you have to earn my forgiveness, but I am ready to give you a chance"

"I'll do anything to earn you back," he said, hugging you tightly.

You hugged him back.

Your eyes landed on his phone when you heard a beep sound, there was a notification on his phone

"10:00 P.M at my place" shell-shocked. You looked at the name who has sent this message

"LILA" you went numb.

"he still has feelings for you" you recalled Lila's words.


"Get away" a whisper came from your mouth.


"I said ge.. Get away" you choked on your saliva, your limbs fell lifelessly from his back.

"Huh.. what?" Taehyung couldn't comprehend your actions, he broke the hug "what happened babe" he was about to cup your face when you jerked his hands away.

"I was wrong when I thought you could be loyal, I was wrong when I wanted to give you another chance. I was wrong.. Every.fucking.time" you yelled pushing him away.

"Emily was right, people like you never change" you were screaming, yelling at him.

By that time taehyung had realised that you've read Lila's messages as he rubbed his temple "see y/n, it's not what you think"

"Oh.. mind me explain then" you said, crossing your arms against your chest.

"We were just.. You know" he tried making some words

"No I don't. Kindly make me understand Mr. Kim. Taehyung" you yelled at him.

While he was just looking down cz he knew he was wrong and you were right. He couldn't dare looking at you as the guilt rushed him over.

You scoffed "Liar" you were about to leave the room but he grabbed your arm and pinned you against the wall.

"Leave me taehyung" you tried pushing him but he pinned your hands above your head.

"Why don't you understand.. I want you.. I want to have you just for once"

You were dumbstruck, you couldn't believed what you heard

Is this my taehyung.. No, not at all.

"What did you say?" your gaze was piercing through his soul, but you couldn't find an ounce of shame in his vulgar eyes.

"I know you satisfy other men for money... but I.. I am the person you loved, you never satisfied me, you never let me kiss you.. I deserve it, I deserve your body, I own your body. I know you love me, so it will not be a big deal if you do it with me once" his shameless eyes and his sickening words made you doubt yourself.