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The days at your work now had been quite peaceful, no one interrupts you anymore, not even that Sir

It had been seven days since that incident, and now everything was working smoothly. Employees visit the canteen, you prepare their orders, they eat and again go back to their respective works. Now you have started enjoying working here.

You were cleaning the table when you heard some footsteps approaching. you looked at the giant clock hanging on the wall, 17:45 it stated.

Who might be here at this hour?

You straightened your back holding the cleaning cloth in your hand. Standing on your toes you peeked through the glass door.


You instantly moved back into the counter, adjusted your dress.

The door opened steadily, and your eyes welcomed two men into the canteen. 


You were waiting, "maybe SIR Jungkook would come in too". But he didn't. He stopped at the door of the canteen and observed you intensely.

"What are you waiting for" Jimin gestured Jungkook to come inside

"I am fine here, you guys hurry up" Jungkook snarled.

Why is he not coming in the canteen, perhaps due to that incident? Is he sorry for what he did?

Namjoon observed how Jungkook's and your eyes were locked, as if they both wanted to confront but didn't get the guts to do so.

"Two iced Americano jimin looked at jungkook before saying and one banana milk," Jimin ordered.

You hurriedly prepared their order and they went out after taking it.

"Did you get the information about her?" Jungkook asked Jimin sipping on his banana milk

"Yeah... I'll get it by tonight"


"Come fast guys... we're getting late for the meeting" Namjoon yelled from the car and they quickly jumped in it.

~time skip~

Slow music. Dim lights. Forks clattering. A long dining table at the farthest end of the most luxurious restaurant occupied by the hot, mouth watering, richest mafias. Jungkook. Namjoon. Jimin. There was another person sitting along who was no less than any of them     :      Min Yoongi.

The waitress served the Fiorentina Steak to the four men sitting along the table. The other waiter came with wine and skillfully poured it into each glass before leaving the area.

"Let's confirm the deal first," Namjoon said to which Yoongi nodded "six-barreled air-cooled electrically fires Gatling style rotary cannons with a muzzle velocity of 3000 feet per second, sniper rifles with destructive powers of over 50 caliber rounds, landmines that can detect the seismic activity of the enemy if enemy comes in 20 feet diameter it will just... explode."

Namjoon explained with a relaxing smirk as Yoongi nodded with a grin on his face.

"It's not over yet," Jimin said, and started explaining

"Missile guns that destroy even a feather aimed at us, and our favourite : Napalm, the perfect weapon for mass destruction. It may be banned for the world, but not for us"

"All these wonderful arms will be yours on the first of the next month" Namjoon said before taking out a pen to sign the contract.

A satisfied smile was resting on their faces.