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The very next day, you were busy preparing some orders and when you looked back at the coffee machine you noticed a note sticking on it. You looked around baffled "Who put it there" you said while reaching out your hand to take it.

'I'm sorry!'

You instantly looked around to notice who was it?... but all the faces you observed there were not relevant. You were keenly observing everyone when suddenly Jungkook appeared

"Slept well?"

With his sudden husky voice you got perplexed, placing your hand over your chest "ye...yeahh"

Jungkook noticed the note in your hands and turned his gaze towards you "so what did you decide?"


"That note" he said, scratching his nose and pointing at the note in your hand which was totally crushed by now "this.. I.. I put it there"

Did he sincerely want your forgiveness or it was just his trick to woo you, to gain your trust. So that later on he could completely destroy you?

You stood there not saying a word, a lot of things were stuck in your mind, you just didn't want him to be around and that was the only reason of you leaving his company. Summoning the courage you said "I can not" and looked at him...

His puppy eyes melted your heart. How can someone deny those eyes, still how could you forgive that ridiculous act he did to you so easily?

Soon the time flew and you got relieved from HIS company but the thing was you were still not able to find any other job.

Besides, after two days there will be convocation at your college and Taehyung is getting graduated, he was your senior after all.

Your heart was ripping out just at the thought that he will not be around you anymore. Your heart was desiring for him but your mind was stuck that he cheated on you.

This time you didn't want to make a move, instead you wanted him to put some efforts to get you back. And if he did so, even if he would give 20% of his efforts, then you were all ready to be his forever again.

The day of convocation arrived in no time. You were nervous. sad. and happy at the same time.

Nervous what if Taehyung doesn't try to sort things out with you.

Sad what if he doesn't even want you or what if he has someone else in his life.

Happy because he is getting graduated and he will now join his father's business to accomplish his dreams.

The auditorium was filled with non-stop gossiping of students. The stage was decorated with pretty colors and a sense of relaxation, delight, and contentment could be seen on the face of every student. They were happy that they were graduating. Some of them were planning their next meet up while others were motivated to go abroad.

You scanned the whole auditorium "this will be me, the next year" you smiled lightly, standing beside the stage.

Taehyung was there in the auditorium, sitting among his friends who were engaged in talking, but Taehyung.. His gaze was stuck on you. He wanted to fill you in his orbs for as long as his heart would feel satisfied.

"Maybe I am seeing you for the last time" he huffed.

Two other girls Lila and Hanuel of your class were also standing along you beside the stage as you guys were having the duty of receiving chief guests.