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Your breath got stuck in your throat and your heart stopped. Jungkook softly smiled through his pain caressing your cheek for the last time before crashing onto the ground.


He fell on the floor in front of you.


Eyes closed. Face white. The blood flooding his chest.

You couldn't respond as you were there standing in shock.

You slowly knelt down before his cold body. You couldn't think of a world where he doesn't exist.

I lost him.

You placed your sweaty palm on his heart, shockingly.

The heartbeat that you felt on his chest a few minutes back, was nowhere to be found.

"JUNGKOOK...." your loud sob broke the hush.

Your heart was not ready to admit that he is no more. You pressed his chest frequently "wak..wake up jungkook" you sniffled between your words, head hanging low as the tears streamed down your eyes.

Another sudden firing made you flinch. You instantly grabbed the gun from jungkook's hand into yours, aiming somewhere you startfloodeded shooting.

You were weeping badly. You care any less of your life at the moment, all you wanted was him to be alive. You hovered over Jungkook's lifeless body, trying to cover him up, you again shot at the men.

Your tears were falling on Jungkook's pale face. You tapped on his cheek in between the firing, "jungkook wake up".

In the meantime, Jimin arrived with a huge number of guards at the location. The guards encircled the area, dominating over the enemies.

Jimin found you sitting on the floor beside Jungkook's body; he ran towards you "ji..jimin, tell him to wa..wake up" you said in between your weeping.

Jimin's eyes sprung out of his sockets. Shock was apparent on his face.

Jimin held Jungkook's pulse and felt faint palpitation, then instantly moved to check his breath. "he's breathing, thank fck!" hearing him, your eyes shine!

Jimin hauled Jungkook off the ground, putting him in his car, you sat beside Jungkook pressing his chest with your palms to stop the gushing out blood.

Jungkook felt the rush, and he barely opened his eyes a little. With all the energy he can muster, he squeezed your arm to grab your attention "di..didn't I tell you... i'll pr..protect you wi..with my life".

"Shut up! I swear I'll kill you if you die" you shouted at him. Weeping. While he just chuckled as his eyes shut again.


You were there slouched on the chair opposite to the OT. Your face was buried into your palms. Your heart ached in the remembrance of every last seconds of his embrace.

Occasional sounds of nurses dashing into the OT only aggravate your agony. The white walls of the hospital haunting you.

Your lips tirelessly flapping, engaged in the prayer.

Death is the scariest thing.

It's been 7 hours, and surgery is still going on. Your grief increased immeasurably when the doctor said "the bullet is stuck in his chest, and ruptured 3 of his ribs".

But the hope was still there, hanging by a thin thread "looks like even God wants him to survive. It's a miracle that the bullet didn't touch his heart" these words of doctor brought your trust back.