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You opened your eyes and roamed them around. The last thing you knew was... You, in the jungle... running... while a weird alien creature chasing you.

You sat up with a jerk on the bed. Sweat dwelled all over your face.

Panting heavily.

You flinched screaming when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jungkook asked. He was sitting beside you on the bed with one leg on the floor while the other was on the bed.

You were frightened due to the incident, and seeing Jungkook beside you, you couldn't help but instantly hug him with a slight push, causing him to land on the headboard of the bed.

"There's a monster" you shrieked, digging your face into his chest while your arms wrapped around his waist.

Jungkook encircled his muscular arms around your figure "calm down" he spoke softly caressing your back.

"In the jungle.. I saw... a .." you were speaking but Jungkook cut you saying "first tell me, what were you doing in there? Didn't I refrain you from going out of this house?"

Hearing him you could sense the anger in his voice.

"I am sorry" you murmured and pulled out from the embrace.

"You must follow the rules I set for you... it's for your sake only" he was scolding you while your head was hung low, and eyes engraved on your fidgeting fingers. 

"What if something bad happens? What do you do? WHAT DO I DO?" he gabbed while you were just nodding your head, consuming his anger.

He noticed your frightened state and the way you were just looking down at your lap while he was lecturing. So he placed his palms on your cheek, cupping your face he made you look at him

"You are important to me" he whispered softly "I can't bear losing you"

You looked at him, into his eyes, and found the sincerity, loyalty, and honesty that you never found in Taehyung's eyes. But Jungkook's soft shiny orbs hold it all for you only.

And a smile crept on your lips "I'll never disobey you". Jungkook smiled warmly and pulled you in his warm embrace. You also hugged him tightly letting yourself melt in him.

After a few minutes, you said "but there was a monster.. I saw it" still in his protective embrace.

Jungkook chuckled, breaking the hug, "monster?" he laughed slightly.. "You're a 9 year old kid or what? How can there be a monster" he said, controlling his laughter.

"I saw it" you sulked "it had big red eyes... and...and it was so tall... and somewhat hairy.. And it was chasing me.." you explained everything that happened.

"Babe! There's nothing like a monster" he softly said cupping your face.

"There are just us.. You, I, and Aiden... and about that monster,... you must have seen an animal. There are a lot of animals inside that jungle.. Lions, bears, rhinos, and many more.. You must have seen one of them. And in the darkness of the night you thought of it as a monster," Jungkook insisted.

"Why? Why have you kept animals here, it's not safe" you asked him, completely confused, who keeps wild animals around their house?

"It's not what you think.. There are animals for our safety. If any enemy got to know about this safe house of mine still he can't reach me, because he wouldn't know the safe path leading to this house. Only I, Aiden, Namjoon and Jimin know the safe path to this house, where there's no animal around" Jungkook explained to you very calmly.