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"Let's see how you will manage, without any money, without any job" Taehyung's lips drew back in a snarl. He went away shamelessly winking at you.

You pressed your lips together before turning yourself towards Jungkook. "I am sorry, I mistook you" you quietly mumbled under your breath, looking down fidgeting your fingers.

Jungkook's eyes bored into you, he didn't say anything.

He was observing you intensely, finding answers to his questions. He scanned your face thoroughly.

Resting his dilated pupils at your face he said, "I can help you with some money" .His low flat tone was untrustworthy for you. Even if he seems to be sincere for helping you this time, you just couldn't believe him, which is not wrong though.

How can you believe the person who considers women nothing but toys, to be thrown away after playing once. He even tried to use you for his lustful hunger.

You noticed his intense gaze on you, and felt as if someone had casted some spell on Jungkook, why is he looking at me like this?

"I'll manage" you insisted and left to find some work.

Jungkook was still there looking at the empty hallway. He was struggling through his thoughts. He never felt this much trapped between his heart and mind. He felt uneasy recalling the incident. Body sweating. Taking long strides he went to the balcony to breathe some fresh air and relax his mind.

"Get a hold on your thoughts Jungkook. You must not deviate your mind from the only DESIRE of your life" his dark orbs ruled his mind again.

He looked at the crowded road, leaning against the railing. His eyes found you leaving the building. Without him knowing a smile lingered on his face. His big doe eyes squinting slightly feeling the warmth of a smile.

He swiftly roamed his hand through his hair pushing them backward, revealing his well shaped eyebrows and broad forehead as he saw you crossing the road.

He was consumed by thoughts of yours, until he felt someone's shoulder come in contact with his. He glanced to his right only to see Namjoon standing there peeking at the road "what are you smiling at?" he asked, shoving his hands into pockets.

Releasing a huff Jungkook again turned his gaze at your direction on the road. The smile on his face got replaced with a frown.

He hurriedly roamed his eyes on the bustling road to find you, but you have gone now.


"Hmm... lets go" saying Jungkook walked towards the office

"you don't have to do it" Namjoon's orotund voice made Jungkook turn to look at him. He knitted his eyebrows confusingly and mouthed "what"


one word, just this one word of Namjoon, was enough to make Jungkook's eyes blazed with fire.

"YOU, he inhaled harshly, gulping the anger, you are the one saying this to me, even after knowing everything?" He scooted his eyebrows together even more pointing at Namjoon. "This.Is.The.Only.Purpose.Of.My.Life. I waited for this time since I was 12 and now, when I get it, I am not backing off" his expressions hardened.

"So why did you offer her help?" Namjoon's question caught him off guard, making him flap his eyelids.

Did he witness everything?

"And tell me.. Why did you stop your men from destroying her mother's shop? You were planning to do something like this.. Right? Then why did you back off? Why did you stop your men from doing so?" Namjoon's interrogation was building a sense of discomfort in Jungkook's mind. He couldn't decipher his feelings, making a line appear between his brows. He scrunched his nose looking away.

Jungkook got no answer!

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he tried to speak "I didn't want to involve other people" he assured, forcing a smirky grin on his lips as if he doesn't care.

But Namjoon was not buying it at all "Seriously?" he spluttered, turning Jungkook pale, his face twisted, feeling heaviness in his chest.

Jungkook rolled his tongue across his lips as his feet found the way towards his office "I know what I am doing" he yelled, frustration clearly visible from his gesture.


The very next day you were motivated "I must find some job". You went to several cafes for a waitress job, fancy hotels for the interview as a receptionist. You even tried for a production trainee. But it feels like the universe doesn't want you to get any job.

Before that, you never faced any difficulty in finding a job, but now.. It seems all your misfortune has gathered up against you and not letting you get your desired job, forget about desired, you are not getting any job.

By now,

The sun was already at the bottom, and yet you have no job in your hand. The orange-ish colour of the sky soon will get consumed by the darkness of night and you are not willing to go home not yet.

without any job.

Not at all.

You were lazily walking on a shady alley when your eyes fell on a wall with posters mentioning 'sell kidneys'. Taking one poster in your hand you huffed "Should i sell my kidney now" and crumbled that poster before throwing it somewhere on the road.

You again started walking down the street, and that is when you saw another advertisement

"15 million won" Your eyes glittered just by looking at the amount.

You took that advertisement paper in your hands, exuberantly. Reading the advertisement, the delight you felt a few moments ago, dropped down when your eyes landed on the job title.

You chewed on your lip, glaring at the paper, at the job title. You wobbly inhaled as your eyes darted up at the sky before turning your gaze to the advertisement. Again.

The next thing you know is standing in front of a building, holding that advertisement paper in your hands.

"It's just one time thing"

You took your shaky steps towards the building THE BAR.

As you entered there you scanned the whole area and reached out to the reception.

"I'm here for a j..job" your shaky voice giving a hint of your nervousness.

"Sure ma'am! This way" the female guided you towards a room.

There you found a man, not young, not old. He must be around 40. He was sitting there on a big red couch. Colourful lights covering the hot pink colour of the walls, a table displaying all kinds of sex toys, and a bed was there.

You stood just at the entrance, neither getting the guts to look up nor to walk further. The man glanced at you moving to your side "how can i serve you" his loud and clear voice rang in your ears.

"I am here for this" you extended the advertisement paper you were holding.

His eyes travelled from your face to your hand that was stretched out holding the paper. He again looked at you and grabbed the paper from your hand.

"I'll work as A STRIP DANCER just tonight for the amount of 15 million won"