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The next morning was bliss to you. Your naked bodies wrapped up in each other's warmth, sensing the comfort of each other. You opened your eyes lazily...

"Good morning" he whispered in his morning raspy voice, lightly caressing your shoulder as you were in his embrace.

"Good morning" you replied while blushing.

He chuckled breathily "what's with this blush... huh! last night..."

"Aaaa.. stop...." you snuggled your face in his chest even more remembering the last night making him laugh a little loud.

"Okay.. let's freshen up, we have a lot of things to do today!" he said, gaining your attention.

And your mind instantly went towards Aecha, and that shaman.

And you recalled that last night he had told you to believe in him, adding that he also said he had a plan.

"Jungkook what are you going to do" you asked him innocently

"I am going to take you for a bath" he said as he pulled you in his lap.

You sighed blushing "not this..." you playfully hit his shoulder "im talking about Aecha"

"We'll talk about that later" he took you in his arms "but first.. Let me clean you up"

He was walking towards the washroom with you in his arms. You hid your face in his neck. He giggled "you are acting so shy as if we did nothing last night"

And he took you to the washroom, and you bathed together.

~time skip~

You both were having breakfast, when you asked again "tell me jungkook, what are you going to do" you were restless.

Jungkook decided to reveal it to you... the actual reality of their past.

"That person whom we thought a shaman, is fake.. He is not a shaman" he said, sipping his coffee.

"Huh!" you were confused.. "What do you mean"

And then Jungkook explained everything to you. He told you that yesterday he went to meet Jin and there he got to know that shaman is some creep.. There was something fishy about that shaman. And Jin was also spying on that shaman as he showed the pictures that Jin collected.

"He is not a shaman, he is a normal person, a normal middle class person. He works for a pharma company" he said which was all alien to you..

"What?? A pharma company??"

"Yea... that pharma company had started an experiment 17 years back" he said

"Experiment? What kind of experiment?" you asked

He held your hands in his caressing them softly before looking into your eyes "human experiment"


He nodded "the company wanted to perform some tests on the new human generation.. They were planning to mutate the humans and for that they approached the government for a legal permission. But the government immediately denied their project, calculating the risks that project contained.. But"

"But?" you asked

"But the CEO of that pharma company was so stubborn.. That he started the human project without legal approval.. And they are still doing that project..illegally"

You were completely shocked hearing all this, but you couldn't understand what this human project has to do with you, Aecha and your past "how is it related to us?" you asked him.