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"What should I do to you guys!" Jungkook's voice growled in the darkness of the dungeon while the three men who were tied up in chairs trembled in fear.

"Please sir, we are sincerely sorry... We will never take pictures of any other girl in our lives ever" three men cried.

"How can I believe you huh," Jungkook said before facing them and smirking "Wait, I have an idea... I should chop your fingers out of your hands"

And the next moment, he took a dagger out and slashed the fingers of one of the men in one go. The blood gushing out of the cut bones of the fingers soaked the armrest and the man shrieked in pain.

Smirking, Jungkook moved to the second man. He cried trembling, "Sir, please sir leave me, believe me I will not touch her again... sir please"

But Jungkook didn't budge at all. He didn't even care.


"I'll tell you a story..." Jungkook spoke spookily, cleaning the blood off from his dagger with his  long slender tattooed fingers.

"Wait, let me have a seat" he said as he went to drag the chair laying beside the wall.

He placed the chair just in front of the second man... "So, once there was a little jack..."

Jungkook started telling the story, while the second man was weeping and pleading to spare his life "please sir... I will never do this, please leave me"

The man dared to interrupt Jungkook, while he was speaking. This made Jungkook's blood to boil in anger


The man flinched at his raging voice and pressed his lips tightly, while tears were not leaving his eyes.

A fishy grin was lurking on Jungkook's face, as he started again.

"Once, there was a little Jack and a little Jill. They went to take some water up from a hill, but on the way back, Jack fell down and broke his.... Tell me what he broke?" Jungkook asked the second man. A dubious smirk could be seen on Jungkook's angelic face.

The second man cried "sir please..."

and whoosh...

Jungkook slit the throat of the second man apart with his dagger in just one go.


"I just asked you the damn answer, not to babble," Jungkook yelled like a maniac.

"well!" sassily throwing his hair back he let out a heavy sigh. 

Jungkook was frustrated /or trusfrated/ causing his well built chest to heave up and down. his eyes radiated anger and the sobbing, weeping, and yelping of the first man who lost his fingers a few seconds ago made Jungkook even more infuriated.


Without even glancing, Jungkook aimed his dagger at the first man, which perfectly sliced the heart of that man, making him dead in an instant.

The first man, dead.

The second man, dead.

The only thing alive in that dungeon was Jungkook and the third man, who was daring enough to not make a sound, despite being petrified.