Chapter 1

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Living in a town like Smallville, you'd gotten used to reading about the weird and dangerous. You just never thought you'd be on the receiving end of it.

You could barely recall what happened.

Or how you ended up in someone's basement.

Next to you was a familiar face that seemed to jog your memory.


Thankfully you hadn't been bound. Your assailant must have believed you would be out for a while.

"Clark, Hey Kent you gotta wake up! Wake up!!"

You were shaking him frantically. When he rolled over on his back, you noticed the cut that was prominent on his forehead. As well as the green rock at his side. You grabbed the stone, chugging it in a random direction.

"Stupid rock!"

It's the reason you were both in this situation in the first place. Pulling your shirt sleeve down, you did your best to rub some of the blood from his wound. The situation wasn't looking too good right about now. You brushed his forehead a couple times and to your surprise he began to stir. When his eyes shot open and his body jolted upright you almost fell back.

"T-Take it easy you're hurt we need to get you.."

Your words trailed off, because when he stood up, you could see the wound on his head. You'd managed to clear a decent amount of the blood. So when a golden spark ignited on his face and the wound seemed to heal itself, you briefly contemplated that you were delirious. You slowly rose to your feet, taking some much needed steps back.

Clark looked a bit more guarded.

"You're one of them.."

Clark shook his head, taking a step forward and you backed up. He stopped, raising his hands.

"Listen to me, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Right now we need to get out of here before Kyle gets back."

That's right. Kyle.

The fire wielding maniac who'd grabbed the both of you from the school. It was just bad timing on your part. You'd been doing some extra credit when you caught him trying to set a classroom on fire with Clark in it. You weren't even surprised when you saw him holding one of those tainted meteors. It explained where his powers came from.

Right about now you weren't sure who to trust.

Clark who had just self healed or Kyle who no doubt would burn you both alive if he had the chance.

"I need you to trust me."

You didn't really have much of a choice. It's clear that Clark is a victim too. As it stood he might be the only way you make it out of here.


You weren't still a bit hesitant. But you moved closer, holding out your hand as a show of good faith.

"I trust you."

That's all he needed to hear. He sent you a small smile, giving you a firm shake.

"Hold on."

You're a bit puzzled by the statement.

"Hold on to wha-"

You squealed when he picked you up as if you were weightless. Your hands scrambled to steady themselves on his broad shoulders and you just stared as he gave a reassuring smile. When you felt the rush of wind, you practically screamed, wrapping your hands around his neck.

The second your bodies finally stopped moving, your eyes were still clenched shut.

"We're safe."

Opening your eyes hesitantly, he was right. You were both right at the police station.

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