Chapter 18

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There was so much that needed to be discussed. The Sheriff had dropped you and Harry off first. Clark has moved to the door just to give you one last hug before he leaves.

Harry was watching him carefully.

"I suppose we'll wait to discuss your abilities tomorrow Mr. Kent."

You're a bit shocked. But you shouldn't have been surprised that Harry saw Clark using his powers.

"Can't wait."

Clark doesn't seem as enthusiastic, not that you can blame him. He reaches for you, giving you one tight hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He whispers.

You nod as he pulls away.

"Thank you for everything Clark."

He just smiles, placing a hand on your cheek. You're positive he's going to kiss you good night. But Harry clears his throat and Clark fumbles.

"I-I should get going."

He pulls away and Harry simply glares as Clark practically sprints into the car. It pulls away and you direct your unimpressed expression at Harry.

"He was getting fresh."

You just roll your eyes. At this point you should expect it.

The door closes and the events of the night seem to catch up. You're exhausted, but there is still something bothering you.

"When Aaron mentioned the speedforce, what did he mean?"

You may have been out of it, but you remember everything. Everything that was said.

Harry lets out a soft breath. He promised himself after Aaron showed up that he would no longer keep secrets. If he'd been honest from the start, this could have all been avoided.

"It's because I'm a speedster. There was an explosion in my lab two years ago when I went to visit. One of the interns had left a prototype next to my upcoming particle accelerator and triggered a fire. Thankfully no one died. However.."

His eyes seem to waver.

"I was caught in the residual shockwave and it did something to the cells in my body."

You're about to ask what, but when you begin to see the sparks that are now bouncing off his body, you don't know what to say. His body seems to disappear and you jolt at the wind that hits your face.

"I'm faster than the average man. The explosion made me into a metahuman."

The spin at the sound of his voice and now he's standing right behind you.

This all seems a little crazy.

Your real brother is a mutant, your guardian is a metahuman and your boyfriend is an alien.

So much for having a normal high school experience.

"I understand if this is too much. All of this, it should have never happened. I promised your parents I would protect you and I ended up being the one causing you pain."

You shake your head.

"You were protecting me. I-I'm sorry I didn't see it before. I was just scared. When he showed up and told me that we weren't biological siblings it hurt."

Harry fully understands why there would be turmoil.

"But none of that matters anymore. We're together and I'm just happy that we're both okay." You express.

He's thankful for the same. Aaron could have just as easily taken you away. That fight you both had could have been your last encounter and it would have gutted him if that were the case.

There's still so much that needs to be discussed, but for now, you feel more at ease being back.


The following day you're excused from school. Harry has spent the better part of the morning preparing breakfast and sending you careful looks every now and then to ensure that you're alright. It's endearing, you know he'll never stop worrying, especially after what happened.

For the most part you both just relax. Not a whole lot of words are exchanged. But you feel comfortable.

Later in the afternoon Harry is making a snack and he glances at your spot on the couch as you read through one of his many published books.

"Was Clark affected by the meteor shower?"

You finally look up, lowering the book.

"No, he's an alien."

Harry watches as though waiting for the punchline. But your expression is very calm.



"As in extraterrestrial beings?"

"Are you sure you're a genius? I'm pretty sure I'm speaking english."

Harry glares.

"No need to get smart."

You just smile. You've missed the banter.

"You're okay with Clark being an alien. "


Harry looks down at his plate.

"You're okay with me..being a speedster.."

He sounds a bit hesitant and you catch on. It's normal that he would assume that this scares you. That you might have doubts. But if there's one thing that you've learned, it's that Harry's always been there for you, and he always will.

"I'm okay with it." You reply.

He looks a little more at ease, and you adjust yourself on the couch when he walks over with the sandwiches. He places the plate down on the table before you, taking a seat. It's only then that you take notice of the box he has under his arm.

You perk up.

"What's that?"

He turns to you holding it out.

"For me?"

Harry nods, handing you the small box.

Once it's within your grasp you can't help but marvel at it. It's clear that it's old. Made out of some type of wood. The texture feels a bit smooth.

"Your parents were really into the time capsule fad back in the day. They did one for me when I turned eighteen after I graduated with my first Phd. I promised them I would do the same for you, so we organized a box. I have no idea what's inside. When you turned eighteen my plan was to give it to you, along with this. "

He stands, picking up a folder from the desk nearby and you're a bit confused. When you open it, you're shocked at the bank information, along with an emancipation form. You look back at him for an explanation.

"I was going to tell you everything. If you decided that you didn't want me to be a part of your life, then I wanted to make sure you were supported. I made a trust fund. You have enough money to cover four years at any college you want. If that's what you choose to do. In the event that you didn't want to be here anymore, I didn't want you to feel trapped. I love you and I only want what's best for yo-"

He doesn't even have a chance to finish, because you're hugging him. Harry is quiet.

"(Y/N) I-"

"I love you Harry. More than anyone in the world."

His hands give a bit of a tremor and he returns the embrace slowly.


"That won't ever change, no matter what we're going through."

It feels like that's exactly what he needed to hear.

"I hope Kent knows that you love me more than anyone."

You roll your eyes at Harry's childish words.

"Don't make me take it back. "

"No take backs."

He's such a kid. 

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