Chapter 7

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Later that afternoon, Clark meets you after your club activities. You both had stopped by the Talon, now you're taking a walk through Smallville. The coolness of the evening breeze is a nice contrast to how sticky summer was. As you slurp your milkshake, you turn to Clark.

"So what do you wanna do after high school?"

The question isn't one that he hasn't really considered.

His eyes are trained ahead.

"I want to help people."

How very Clark of him.

You smile to yourself as you grip your bag a bit tighter.

"I guess I should expect that from you alien boy." He grins.

"What about you?"

You just hum.

"Who knows."

"Hey, no fair, now you have to tell me!"

"It's a secret."

You giggle at the little pout he wears.

Days like this are what you look forward to.

"(Y/N), I've been meaning to ask, what happened to your parents."

His tone is a little softer. You figure he understands it's a sensitive topic, but he can't help but ask. You can see him staring at you expectantly. You know that if you tell him that you don't want to discuss it, he'll spit out every apology and hug you until he feels like it's enough.

"They died when I was really young. I don't really remember much. For as long as I could remember, it's just been me and my brother."

He must have assumed it wasn't a happy story. You know he wants to know everything about you. He wants to get closer.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It was a long time ago. I can't really complain. Harry gave up a lot to take care of me. Not a lot of people really know this but he's basically a billionaire. He runs a science laboratory in Central City. When he found out about the accident he left one of his colleagues in charge and dropped everything just for me."

You've always been grateful.

"That's amazing."

You nod.

"It is. He still goes a few times a month to make sure things are fine. But his life is essentially here. When I found out in middle school I felt bad. Like I was a burden that he had to deal with. Growing up was a little tough. Harry's always been a bit emotionally stunted. "

Clark smiles at the expression you wear.

"One day he sat me down and he just..he told me that the one thing in his life that he's never regretted is looking after me."

Just the memory brings you warmth.

"After that I guess I saw everything in a different light. It didn't matter that I didn't have a mom or dad like everyone else. If I had just one person in this world that loved me unconditionally, then that was enough."

Clark understands.

More than anyone, he does.

"I guess I can relate. I used to feel the same way about my parents. I thought they felt like I was an obligation. But it was more than that."

"It's love." You offer.

Clark looks back at you and he sees it. He fully understands what you mean.

"Why are you looking at me all weird?"

"No reason."

"Hey!! It sounds like there is a reason, tell me!!"

"It's a secret."

"No fair!!!!" 

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