Chapter 6

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After that awkward situation, it's a given that Harry has somewhat banned Clark from ever entering your room.

You giggle to yourself as you're packing your books into your locker.

You shut the door and jump at the blond behind it.

"Geez!! Stop doing that! "

Chloe gives you an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, sorry."

You sigh.

"Is there something that I can help you with?"

You know that there must be some type of catch for her to be playing hide and seek behind your locker. She nods, and you follow as she walks down the hallway. When you get to the torch, she looks a bit fidgety.

"Is everything okay Chloe?"

"It is I just..I guess I just needed some girl talk?" She winces when she says the words.

"This is so painful, I just need a little advice."

You're not sure what wisdom you can impart on Chloe. She seems fairly wise herself. To an extent, as a reporter you had to be.

"Well see, the thing is a certain friend is stopping by today."

"A friend?"

"Yeah, and this friend happens to be someone I'm really fond of. I try to act all witty but he always does something to make me act like a schoolgirl."

"You are a school girl."

"That's not the point!"

"Right, right. Continue."

"Anyway, I need to stand my ground. I mean he isn't even that cute. I think it's just the suit. It must be. I'm a reporter and I like a good story. He's a mystery. That's why I'm interested. I don't even really like him like that."


This is getting more confusing by the second. You're not sure if she's trying to win the guy over or convince herself that she doesn't have feelings that she clearly has.

"What exactly am I here for, like particularly?"

"I just need you to be a third wheel. If you're around, nothing will go wrong."


There's a soft knock at the door.

You turn, and to your surprise, there is Lex.

"I hope I'm not intruding." You shake your head, sending him a smile.

"You're not. Chloe and I were just discussing a-"

"A story!!" She interrupts.

You send her a weird look until she raises her eyebrows and nudges her head in his direction. It takes a moment for you to read the gesture.



You can't believe you say it out loud.

"Is something wrong?" He asks. You shake your head vigorously.

"I-I just remembered that I forgot a textbook, I have to get going." Chloe sends you the most murderous look.

"Nice seeing you Lex!!"

You sprint out, fully aware of what might be awaiting you when she gets her hands on you. 

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