Chapter 12

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You didn't bother to show up for school that day.

There's no way you can hope to internalize anything that would be taught. 

After sending Clark a brief text, you slide your phone into your pocket. It's nice that you have this moment to yourself.

Clark's loft always provides a comforting feel.

You trail back to the end of your conversation with Harry.

"I need some space. From you, from this. Don't call me."

Your tone gives very little away, and Harry wants to get closer. Convince you further, but that look that you give him, it won't let him move.

"Are you going to leave with Aaron?"

He hates that he has to ask the question, because he's not sure he'll like the answer.

"I don't know yet. We're family."

That statement is like a knife being twisted in his gut. Because up until a week ago, he was the one that wore that title. He's not sure if he'll ever see that glimmer in your eyes when the both of you laughed, or argue like siblings do.

This could very well be the last time he sees you.

He forces his feet forward and you flinch. Harry wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his arms. His hold is tight and you can't stop the soft sound of surprise.


You're struggling to hold in the tears. Why the hell is he making this so difficult? You want to be angry. To yell at him.

Hate him for looking you in the eye everyday and lying to your face.

If not then a part of you has to live with the fact that your brother was out there all this time and he never came back for you.

The thought that there might be others, relatives out there that just didn't want you, it's painful.

Releasing a heavy sigh, you fiddle with the picture in your hand.

It's an older image of your parents holding a newborn.


Their smiles seem to be stretched from ear to ear.

There's not a whole lot of you with them. Given that you had just been a few months old when they died. You never really questioned why there was a scarcity of images with Harry. You just thought that he'd hidden those because the memory was just a hard one to deal with. But now, it makes sense.

The little knock has you lifting your head. You're not shocked to see Lex at the stairs of Clark's loft.

"I came to collect some of Mrs. Kent's pies for a fundraiser and she told me you were here. I was curious as to why you aren't in school. Feeling a bit of a delinquent streak coming?" He inquires playfully.

You shake your head with a little smile, thumb running over the image. He slips his hands in his coat pockets, moving closer. He spots the picture in your hand. He pauses when he's at your side, but he doesn't take a seat.

"Your parents."

You nod.

"They took it when I was born."

You flip the image over, the date and both of their signatures scribbled at the back.

"I always felt a bit indifferent towards them. It's weird. I just couldn't comprehend how I could miss something I never had. These people are basically strangers but when I.." You turn it over again.

"When I look at this I just feel like I've known them all my life. How is that possible.."

It doesn't make sense.

Lex finally sits down right next to you.

"Is there another reason you're feeling nostalgic?"

Your grip tightens on the paper. The fact that he's asking must mean that Clark hadn't really said much to him about the topic. It's a bit surprising given that they are basically attached at the hip. You appreciate his discretion.

"Recently I've found out that Harry isn't my biological brother. What's worse is that my actual brother showed up. I think he wants me to go with him but Harry says I can't trust him. But he's been lying to me for years."

"I thought I was the only one in Smallville with dysfunctional family syndrome. " You giggle.

"It might have become contagious." You voice.

Lex seems content that your smile looks genuine this time.

"I can't tell you how to live your life. I'm sure Clark might have weighed in on the situation as well. I think the only thing you can truly trust is your gut. I haven't met either men, but it sounds like despite your uncertainties, you know at least one of them has always had your best interest at heart. The choice shouldn't be too hard."

Lex is right. Not that you're really surprised. Clark often gushes about Lex's many wisdoms.

"(Y/N)! I got you those weird cookies that you like!"

Clark calls as he runs up the stairs and catches your attention. When he sees Lex, he looks surprised, maybe a bit bashful.

"And they say chivalry is dead." Lex informs with a smirk. Clark smiles awkwardly.

"H-Hi Lex."

"Oh, don't mind me. I was just leaving."

Lex stands, glancing at you as he gives you a soft pat on the arm.

"You'll figure it out."

You nod.

"I will. Thank you."


Clark and Lex exchange a few words before he's leaving. Clark places the cookies he's gotten you on the desk, moving to your side.

"How was today?"

You rub your arm.

"As good as you would expect.

Clark realizes that you're still holding the picture since earlier in the morning.

He's definitely worried.

"I feel pathetic for feeling this way. You're literally from another planet. You never met any of your family. I can't imagine what that feels like. I keep telling myself that it's wrong to be mad at him. He took care of me."

Clark shakes his head.

"You have a right to be mad."

You look at him. If anything, that's not exactly what you would expect from Clark.

He just smiles.

"When my dad told me about my spaceship I was mad. I was angry that they'd hidden it for so long. I've always known that I wasn't normal. But the fact that the people I trusted most didn't trust me, it hurt. "

It does.

"You have every right to be feeling this way, just don't let those feelings cause you to make a mistake. Whatever decision you choose, make sure it's one that you'll be happy with. Because regardless of Harry, or Aaron, your happiness is what should come first. No one else."

You wear a weak smile.

"Are you sure you weren't actually dropped from heaven?"

Clark laughs, hugging you happily. 

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