Chapter 17

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The aftermath is messy.

Turns out Aaron Morgan had been running from a lot of people.

Your eyes seemed trained on the van.

There's a number of vehicles parked in the space.

News, sheriff, ambulance..FBI.

You can't believe that your own brother was a felon.

"Apparently he's been on the FBI's radar for months. They're going to take him back to Washington. He's going to be given a trial. Twenty years if he's lucky. For a kid he sure got around. Larceny, trespassing, assault. You name it. He's done it. "

The agents are giving you a rundown of his crimes.

"We'll be in contact. If he happens to make parole they'll notify you of his release. The chances of that are slim." His partner advised.

Harry hasn't left your side and Clark looks sullen. You catch a glimpse of them carrying Aaron into the van. He looks at you for just a second, then diverts his gaze. His form disappears behind the glass and you sigh just as the agents begin to pack up and leave.

You aren't really sure how to feel about any of this.

You've already been checked out by the paramedics. Nothing appears wrong. They had instructed that you come back to the hospital just to be safe. But you refused. You have no intention of spending the night at a hospital.

After carefully wrapping your bruised wrists, you were free to go. A few of the vehicles are beginning to leave and the Sheriff turns to you.

"I can give you all a ride back." She offers.

Harry nods and you follow as you all climb into the car.

As you're pulling away, you look down at your hands. Although you see no difference, something has changed. After what you witnessed with Aaron you know there must have been some truth to what he said.

Either that or you'd been hallucinating.

Neither option is very desirable at the moment.

"She can take you back to the farm if that's what you want." Harry states.

Clark is seated at the front, and he listens attentively. You and Harry are at the back but he's made an attempt to sit at a distance. Something tells you that's more for your peace of mind than anything else.

With a shake of your head, you scoot closer to him, taking his hand. Harry is a bit stunned, but you just lay your head on his shoulder.

"I want to go home." You whisper.

You squeeze his hand a bit tighter, and he finally returns it. He wraps his hand around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest and it's at that moment that you break down.

You know for a fact that both Clark and the Sheriff hear your cries.

No other words are exchanged. 

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