Chapter 9

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Safe to say you weren't just going to take the word of some stranger. You'd sprinted out of there so fast you probably put Clark's speed to shame.

At that moment you knew Clark wanted to help, but you needed to speak with Harry.


You needed to know who this psycho was claiming to be your kin.

Aaron had backed off when you said you needed space. All he'd done was tell you that he would be staying in a hotel for a few days if you wanted to talk.

The moment you got through your door, you barged right over to Harry. He was seated on the couch, paper in hand, legs crossed. He didn't even look up when he heard you walk in.

"You must be in a hurry if you're slamming the door so harshly." He spoke sarcastically. Usually his quips were entertaining, but today, you need answers.

"Why didn't you tell me we have another brother?" His eyes lifted, no longer focused on his paper.

"A brother.."

"Don't act coy! You must have known! He just showed up at the Kent farm. How did he know where I was! He must have found out from some other family member that you failed to mention."

Harry stood, placing his paper down as he pushed up his glasses.

"Aaron came to see you?"

"So you did know about him."

"I did, but it's more complicated than that."

You're angry.

"What's so complicated? Unless he's a serial killer I don't see a reason to hide the existence of an entire person from me. All this time I thought we were the only ones. But we have another brother, why wouldn't you reach out?"

Harry looks conflicted.

Another knock on the door takes you both by surprise. You turn, and Harry looks agitated. He storms over to the door to send whoever it is away, but when he opens the door, you can see the shock on his face.

"From the looks of it you weren't expecting me."

Harry's expression turns hard, and in walks your visitor.


He turns to you with a smile.

"I looked up the address in the directory. I tried calling, but someone seems to have misplaced their phone."

"It wasn't an accident." Harry bites back.

"Whatever you're after you're not going to get it. Just leave." Harry hissed.

"W-Why are you sending him away, he's our brother!!" You defend.

Aaron just lets out a chuckle.

"It's true that you and I are blood (Y/N), but I don't think the same can be said for Harry here."


Harry's retaliation confuses you.

"What does he mean? What are you talking about.."

Aaron looks at Harry who doesn't appear as sure of himself.

"Harry here isn't really your brother. He adopted you when your parents died. The man you've trusted all these years is just some stranger who took you into his home. He changed your last name. You were basically a baby, so you never knew any different. He's trying so hard to convince you that I can't be trusted when he's the one who's been keeping the truth from you all your life."

It must be a lie.

"Harry..tell me it's not true. H-He's joking right.."

Just from his expression, you can tell you won't get the answer you hope for.

You take a step back.

"(Y/N), please just let me explain."

He moves closer, but you create distance.

"I-I have to go."

You're on the verge of tears and you stumble out of the house.

Reality is cruel. 

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