Chapter 27

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He felt more at ease returning to Star Labs now that he was sure you were safe. 

So much has happened in what feels like a short span of time. Some of it could have been avoided. He knows it's stupid to hold unto the past. You've already forgiven him for the secrets, the lies, but he knows that could have easily gone the opposite way, so

He's grateful for the opportunity to stay at your side.

Be your brother, your family.

He smiles when he thinks back on some of the times with you as a toddler. Your past conversation has made him a bit nostalgic.

"Harry, why do you wear glasses?"

Your eyes were peering at him curiously, little hands coloring some of the pictures in your book. Most of them are out of the lines.

He has a device on the table that he's working on himself.

"They help me see better."

"I want glasses."

He looked up, brows furrowed.

"Are you having issues with your vision?" 

He was certain that you were fine after the last doctor's appointment you had. You shook your head.

"No, I want to be just like you. If we wear glasses we'll look alike." You were smiling so widely and he wouldn't say it aloud, but it made him happy.

"I'll get you a pair that won't hurt your eyes."

Your smile grew bigger.

You dropped all your coloring items, jumping off the chair as you rushed over. He paused for a second, and just like that you started climbing onto his lap. He turned, about to discourage you so you didn't hurt yourself, but the second you were fully on him, you wrapped your hands around his torso. Given the difference in size, you were pretty much holding on the sides of his shirt.

"I love you Harry!"

Your face was buried in his chest and his gaze softened. It still caught him off guard how affectionate you were. It's not like he had siblings, or much experience with kids. He could hardly tolerate adults, so children were somewhat out of the question. Yet whenever you looked at him with those chubby little cheeks he felt like he understood what it meant to truly love someone, put their needs before his own.

"I love you too (Y/N)."

You looked up, eyes wide.

"Really, really?"

He nodded at the phrase.

"Really, really, really." He agreed.

"Really, really, really, really!" You asked.

He laughed.

"Infinity really."

You seemed content with the number, nodding happily.

"Can we get married when I'm an adult like you Harry."

He found himself laughing again.

"I think by then I'll be way too old for you."

You shook your head.

"Harry is young and hand..hand.."

It looked like you were trying to remember the word.

"Pretty!" You finally decided.

He smiled.

"I appreciate it."

"Am I pretty?"

"Very pretty."

You were giggling, rocking in his lap happily.

Those times felt so far away. For one you've outgrown trying to marry him. Now you're stuck to Clark's side.


He internally growled.

Maybe he would send another message, just to be sure.

"Are you texting her again?"

Caitlin just smiles and Harry huffs.

"I feel like both of you are ganging up on me."

She laughs, moving to the table to evaluate the most recent project.

"Were you able to insert the chip?"

"Yes. Now we just have to keep it charged for twelve hours and then we'll know. This battery could save a lot of lives. Solar energy is the best source. We could distribute these in hospitals and care centers."

Caitlin wears a smile. One that he doesn't catch until he turns to her.


"You just get this look in your eyes when you talk about helping other people. It's the same one you wear when you're talking about (Y/N). You're a great man Harry."

He's a bit lost in the fondness of her expression, but then he looks away.

"You're just saying that because I'm your boss." He mutters. Caitlin lets out another laugh.


She's still wearing an easy smile. Harry turns back. He can't seem to stop himself from letting his gaze stray. She mimics the action, and Harry swallows. A part of him thinks he shouldn't even be entertaining the thought. But these feelings have been present shortly after Caitlin had joined his team. It's been almost a decade.

The longer she's around, the harder it is for him to deny. Maybe it's an impulse, but he finds himself leaning in. The smile on her face grows wider as he finally closes the space between them. She sighs in clear satisfaction and his hand drifts from the table to her waist. Her grip tightens on his shirt, pulling him in.

He welcomes it.

He can't believe he'd gone this long without ever experiencing this. After a few moments he pulls back. The content expression on Caitlin's face causes a warm feeling in his chest.

"What took you so long?"

He smiles at those words, leaning back in. 

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