Chapter 20

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You've been trying to figure out what this means.

Your intention was to go to Harry, but you aren't sure what exactly you can say. So your decision is to just make it through this last class. With the weekend coming up, it'll give you a window to work through all of this.

That's why that morning when you left you were determined to keep yourself grounded. Maybe if you divert your focus you won't shift into some other reality again.

Yet, even now as the teacher is droning on about some lesson but you can't focus.

Your vision is struggling to stay on the board, and you massage your eyelids.

It's getting harder.

"Where did you come from!!"

You jump at the yell, and the students in your general area back up at your presence. There's a boy sitting right next to you. He looks more intrigued than scared.

"Peter, get away from her!!"

A girl calls.

He moves out of his seat.

"You don't have to be scared, I know you're not bad. Spider sense." He whispers.

"Spider Sense.. A-Are you..Peter Parker?"

He's shocked.

"You know my name.."

You feel as though you're going to hyperventilate.

"Ms Wells, Ms.Wells Ms. Wells!"

Your gasp, looking up, and all eyes in the room are trained in you.

Clark is sitting at your side, and he watches you with worry. You swallow, massaging the bridge of your nose.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't feel too well."

Concern flashes in the teacher's eyes.

Clark stands.

"I'll take her to the nurse's office." Your teacher nods.

"Y-Yes, thank you Mr. Kent."

Clark moves to your side immediately, helping you to your feet, You stand.

"I'm sorry."

She shakes her head.

"No need to apologize. Please just worry about getting better. " Clark guides you out of the classroom.

Walking through the hallway, you straighten, and Clark pulls his hands away hesitantly when you look unaffected.

"(Y/N) are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just needed to get out of class. Clark, we need to make an excuse to leave early. Something is..something is happening."

He needs no more considering. From your tone, it's clear that this is serious.

So with the permission of the school, you both left.

Clark hasn't taken his eyes off you for a second.

The minute you get through your door, you're looking for Harry.

He lifts his head, clearly confused as to why you're home so early. His laptop is set in front of him and the second he catches wind of Clark's worried expression he races to your side.

"What's wrong!"

The wind has tossed your hair. Despite your uncertainty in this situation, you still wear a smile. Harry has proved time again that he'll drop everything to protect you.

You take a breath, guiding him to the couch. He follows and so does Clark. When you're all seated you finally speak.

"I think Aaron did something, triggered something in my body."

You play with the hem of your shirt.

"I know I should have said something sooner but I wasn't really sure how to say it. I think I might be..I think I might be traveling between realities."

You know how crazy it sounds, and more than anything you want it to be a dream, but you had all literally seen a transparent apparition of your father.

"Harry, the theory of the multiverse, is it real?"

He stares in awe. He'd written about a lot in his time, but a lot of his works were theory at best. When he published that book, it was way before he could run at the speed of light. Although he hasn't actually traveled through reality, he hasn't completely abandoned the idea. There was so much he was still learning about his own power.

"I..I always theorized, but I've never, I've never had proof."

You run a hand through your hair.

"I think it's possible. Harry I've been time traveling, or leaping or something. Whatever Aaron did it unlocked something. First at Star Labs and then in the library, now at school. It keeps happening. I don't know what's going on, I don't know how to control it. I-I'm scared.."

You seem a bit panicked and Clark takes your hand. He can't really get rid of it. Your fears.

Harry wishes he could just tell you that it'll all be alright that he'll protect you. But he can't promise that.

What he realizes is that he can't hope to protect you from everything. He needs to equip you to protect yourself. So that what happened with Aaron, it never occurs again.

Harry swallows.

"I need you to do it again. To jump."

The request makes your eyes crazy.

"W-What! N-No I can't!" I've just barely gotten it to stop. If I stop thinking for a moment I could get lost again. I can't Harry, I can't!"

You stand and he rises, taking your shoulder.

"Listen to me (Y/N), you know I'd never let anything happen to you if it were within my power. But I can't protect you. Not from this. You need to jump. Whatever he did, you can control it. The both of you are blood. You must have similar abilities. You have to tap into it. It's the only way you can hope to gain control."

You're on the verge of tears.

"W-What if..what if I do and it turns me into him. What if I become a monster.."

The very thought is frightening, and Harry smiles, wiping the single tear that runs down your cheek.

"I have faith in you. You're my sister and I trust you. I trust your ability. You can do this."

His encouragement is any if not motivating. You mirror his smile a bit shakily and Harry presses his forehead against your own.

With an even breath, you nod slowly, closing your eyes.

You just barely feel Clark's hand on your shoulder right before all the sound in the room fades out.

"I believe in you." 

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