Chapter 23

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The entire encounter feels unreal.

You're gazing at the marriage license that's framed on the wall.

Matt and Gail Morgan.

You never thought you'd have the chance to ever see them like this. You try to take it all in. The house that you literally grew up in. Not much has changed except for the furniture and some adjustments to the exterior. It's apparent that Harry bought the house so you would have some part of your parents with you.

"So you really are my daughter." Matt asks.

It's going to take a moment to grasp, but he can't deny the familiarity. It's almost like he'd recognized you the second he saw you despite never meeting you.

You nod.

It's impossible for this not to feel strange. You understand. You're also surprised that they are both taking it so well. You fully expected that they would run the second you tried to tell them where you're from.

What you've been through.

It's obvious that your mother is aware of your father's supernatural abilities.

Apparently your earlier assumption was wrong. You hadn't just jumped to an alternate reality. This whole time it seems that you've been stepping through different points in time.

Somehow you ended up in the past.

"I..I traveled here from the future. I was trying to control it. I've been bouncing around the universe all week."

Once again, just saying that out loud feels crazy, but your father smiles and your mother rubs her belly.

"You know when he told me he was a mutant I thought he was just trying to impress me. I guess you do take after your dad." Gail says.

He smiles.

"I told you she did. My little bean is a prodigy just like her old man. It's only been a week and she's already time leaping."

Your brows furrow.

"Time leaping?"

He nods.

"My abilities, our abilities."

He corrects, gesturing with a smile.

"It allows us to move from any space in time. We alter the natural laws of the universe. It's genetic. My great grandfather used to write notes about our powers. Where they came from. According to my dad, our family was given this as a gift for a selfless deed. A great sacrifice."

Just the idea is remarkable.

"That's incredible."

He nods.

"As magical as it sounds, our powers do come with a cost. Every time I've heard it the story changed, but the essence of it stays the same. Our abilities are meant to help others. To heal. If it's ever used to exploit others then the user is said to face great consequences. They'd be stripped of their abilities."

Your expression falls, because that sounds exactly like what happened to Aaron.

They notice and Gail reaches over, taking Matt's hand.

This entire time you've had these powers just waiting to be unlocked. Aaron had the same and not once did he try to bring them back. To save them. There's a bitter feeling in the pit of your stomach. You feel like you've been robbed of so much.

But now, sitting there with your parents, you want nothing more than to confess it all. If this is the past, then you can change it.

You can change everything.

"Mom, Dad you-"

He took your hand, shaking his head.

"You can't change the past."

Fear rushes over your face.

"I-I can!! You just said that I'm supposed to help! I'm trying to help, let me help!!"

"I can't. You're not supposed to alter events. Every gift has a rule. I know you understand that."

You wish you could deny it. Feign obliviousness, but you know for a fact that he's right. Who knows what would happen. It didn't stop you from hoping.

Looking down, you squeeze his hands.

"I've always wanted to meet you..both of you."

Matt wears a broad smile.

"I always knew you'd grow into an incredible woman. You're just as strong willed and beautiful as your mother."

His hand moves to your cheek, and you look up, unable to truly stop the tears this time.

"No matter what happens in the future, we're proud of you. Everything that you've accomplished, even if we weren't there to see, I know that you're destined for incredible things."

The tears are gushing down at this point, and he wraps a hand around you, your mother doing the same. They both hug you and at that very moment, you can almost feel the extent of their love, as if they've been with you all this time.

"It's time for you to go home."

It's a whisper.

You'd like nothing more than to stay there forever, but he's right.

You sob, holding on tighter, because you can feel it. This time it isn't so much a pull. It's like you can visualize where you want to go.

Where you need to go.

"I love you both so much." You express.

"We love you too."

The words feel like a song, and you close your eyes, this time willing yourself forward, because you know exactly what's on the other side. 

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