Chapter 5

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He's not really sure how to fix this.

"I'm sorry, It was an accident. I fell."

That doesn't sound the least bit believable. He's been pacing outside of your house for the last twenty minutes. When you hadn't come to see him the following day, he knew he would have to make the first move.

It's a lot harder when he's the one that caused the problem.

Taking a deep breath, he finally marches over to the door, giving it two firm knocks. His ears pick up on movement and he has to physically stop himself from looking through the door to see if it's you. When it opens, it's not who he expects.

"Can I help you?"

The older man is wearing a pair of glasses, raising a brow.

"Wait a second, you look familiar...You're that kid. The one that saved my sister.."

Clark holds out his hand.

"Clark Kent, it's nice to meet you Mr. Wells."

Harrison nods.

"Likewise. So I can finally put a name to the face. You're the one she never stops talking about. I think it goes without saying how grateful I am for what you did, Clark." Harrison shakes his hand and when Clark pulls away he rubs his neck.

"Anyone would have done the same."

He can't help but glance past Harrison, no doubt in search of you.

"Would you like to come in, (Y/N) was helping me with a project. Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

Harrison walked over to the staircase.

"(Y/N), you have a visitor."

Clark perks up at the sound of your pattering feet down the stairs.

"I thought we were going to finish the.." Your words trail off when you realize it's Clark. He gives an awkward wave and you can't stop the blush of your cheeks.

This is embarrassing.

No words are really exchanged and Harrison looks between the both of you.

"Do you like him or something?"

"Harry!" You smack his arm with all the force you can and he frowns, turning around to you with a glare.

"Just leave." You grumble.

He's already betrayed you by letting Clark inside.

"I'll be in the lab if you need me." Harry mutters.

He has no intention to get involved.

Now that he's here, there's no way to avoid the obvious.

"Come on." You say quietly. You don't look at him, and Clark simply nods as he follows you to your room.


"You have a nice house."

He feels like he has to say something to break the awkwardness.

You still say nothing and he finally sighs in defeat.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just made an impulse move. Please just talk to me."

It's been driving him mad and now you feel guilty. It's clear he'd come to apologize.

"I didn't run because of you okay. I-I was just surprised."

He understands.

"I'm sorry."

You shake your head, playing with the sleeves of your sweater.

"Clark that..that was my first kiss."

It's embarrassing to admit, especially to him.

"I-I've never kissed anyone o-or had a boyfriend. I don't know a thing about relationships or love or anything. I'm just an awkward mess."

You hug yourself and he begins to see the bigger picture. Clark takes a step closer.

"So you liked it. When I kissed you?"

It's almost a whisper, and you look up. Your expression probably gives everything away.

"I-I did." You admit.

His heart hammers and you look away bashfully.

"I-I can't do this! I can barely look at you! You're so cute and it drives me crazy!"

The confession is a bit of a surprise, but he can't help but smile.

This whole time he was under the impression that he was the only one.

"It's okay if you're inexperienced or awkward. I don't exactly have a lot of experience myself. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one." His movement is a bit hesitant. He takes another step, and now he's impossibly close.

"Can we try again?"

You finally will yourself to look at him, and you nod.


Clark doesn't move immediately. You shut your eyes and he grins at the way you stay planted like a statue.

"It's hard for me to kiss you when you're as still as a rock."

"H-How else do you expect me to-Mphp!"

That sneaky fox.

His lips are now laying delicately against your own and your brows knit. You weren't sure he'd be able to outdo himself, but you were clearly mistaken. His hands run down your shoulders pulling you in. You can easily say that the movies do moments like these justice.

It truly does feel magical.

"Sorry to interrupt."

The voice makes you pull back hurriedly. Harry is standing at the door and he doesn't look the least bit sorry or pleased. His glare seems to now be fixated on Clark.

"Mr. Kent, I was under the impression that you were a respectable man."

Clark stammers defensively.

There's not much he can truly say to rebuttal that.

You should expect nothing less of your brother. 

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