Chapter 3

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"Open your eyes."

"No, I'm going to die!!"

"Quit being dramatic."

"I'm not, you're actually trying to kill me!! I see right through you Kent!!"

Jonathan laughs from below. He seems used to the antics.

When you told Clark about your fear of heights, he said he would be happy to help you get over it. Being the gullible person you were, you accepted it because you assumed you would be starting off somewhere manageable.

Like one story inside a building.

But no.

Clark had told you that it was a surprise. It's only when he sped out to the freaking windmill that you realize how screwed you were.

"I'll be in the barn working on the tractor if you need me." Jonathan calls.

"No Mr. Kent, don't leave me!!"

Your eyes were still tightly shut, so you didn't see the older man wave as he walked away.

"I swear when we're on solid ground again I'm going to murder you Clark."

"Indestructible, remember."

"Curse you!!"

Through all your complaints, you were still clutching onto his jacket for dear life.

"Open your eyes, I promise you it's not as scary as you think."

"That's easy to say when your body is unbreakable. Us humans have to worry about things like going splat!"

You wave a hand around angrily, and Clark takes your hand softly.

Lowering it.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I've got you."

Maybe it was the tenderness of his voice that had you convinced. You know Clark would never do anything to hurt you. But fear was rarely ever rational.

Clark gave your hand a little squeeze, and you very cautiously began to open your eyes. Just looking down, you could feel yourself become dizzy. Clark placed his hands on your shoulders, and it felt a little easier. You swallowed, taking in the view from above. The calming feel of the wind on your cheeks was actually not that horrible. The sun seemed just about ready to set, and the glow that shone was beautiful. Slowly but surely, your grip loosened. Clark smiled when that look of fear began to change to awe.

"It's incredible..."

"I told you."

"Don't get cocky. I'm still mad at you. This is extreme. Now I'm ten times more terrified of heights."

"What! But you just said it was incredible."

"The view is, not my crippling fear. I was this close to peeing my pants. Now that we've established that you're terrible at helping with fears and phobias, I'd like to get down before I puke out my organs."

"You're exaggerating."


"Okay okay."

Yes, your adventures with Clark Kent were anything if not invigorating.

It's strangely nice. Your friendship with Clark is different from others that you've had. Then again, you can't really say you have a lot of alien friends. But it isn't just that. You feel as though you can tell him anything. Maybe it's because he's told you just about everything.

Most of your after school meetings are you asking him questions as you both do homework.

"Can you sneeze tornadoes?"

He makes a face.

'Really, tornadoes."

"It's not a dumb question."

"I beg to differ."

"I beg to differ." You mock.

Clark gives your shoulder a playful shove and you roll onto the floor dramatically.

"I've been attacked by a superhuman. Someone help."

You make playful gurgling noises as you stick your tongue out and turn your head, pretending to be unconscious. Clark just rolls his eyes.

"It's a good thing you're into teaching because your acting is terrible."

"Hey! I will have you know I played a very convincing willow tree when I was a toddler."

"I bet."

You giggle, moving back to take a seat next to Clark as you continue your studies.

When you begin working quietly, Clark can't help but glance at you. He always thought that nothing good would come of other people finding out about him. It's true that you were scared at the beginning, and he understood. Yet here you are, sitting together like you've known each other for decades.

"Hey, do you know how to solve this one? It doesn't make sen.."

You'd turn to ask him that question, but he's already looking your way.

Clark swallows, and his gaze makes you a bit nervous.

"Is everything..okay?" You question.

He nods.

"Yeah. Everything is fine. Which question is it?"

You point to it, and Clark goes through the equation. You'd like to say you were listening, but that moment had you a bit distracted.

The week carries on as usual and you decide to shake off the awkward moment. Clark seems normal, so you don't think much of it.

Walking into the Talon, you aren't even surprised to see Chloe and Clark bickering. Lana brings them their drink and it seems she's gotten caught in the crossfire. You smile.

"What's the big argument about?"

"Clark here thinks serenading someone is overrated."

You gasp.

"Chivalry really is dead."

"That's what I said!" Chloe defends. You take a seat and Lana smiles.

"I'd be a little embarrassed if someone did that for me in public. But in private, I think I'd like it." Lana confesses.

You nod.

"I guess I'd feel the same. I always loved watching those cheesy movies where the lead tries to win the girl over with a song. It's kind of cute."

Clark looks a bit more attentive. He looks about ready to question further, but you're interrupted.

"Room for one more?"

It's Lex.

"Of course, Lex." Clark replies.

"Can I get you something?"Lana asks. He nods, and Lana moves over to take his order. You don't miss the way Chloe's eyes seemed trained on him. Even as he leaves.

"He's handsome right?" You whisper to her.

She nods.

"So handsome." She gushes.

"I'm right here." Clark grumbles. She brushes it off, and you send him a smile.

The atmosphere, these people, it's nice. There hasn't been a dull day since you met Clark.

Although your first meeting wasn't under the best circumstances, you're weirdly grateful. 

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