Chapter 10

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It doesn't feel real.

You've known Harry all your life and you've never questioned his character. He's always done right by you.

Protect you.

Maybe that's why it hurt so much. Knowing that he's kept such a secret.

Somehow you've ended up right back at Clark's house. You weren't sure where else you could really go. You lift your hand a bit shakily. Knocking twice.

The door opens within seconds and you look up at Clark. You must look pretty pathetic, because he seems so torn just from your expression.


How do you word this?

Your lips quiver.

"H-Harry isn't...he's not my brother..I-I don't know who he is."

Now he understands.

Clark ushers you inside, and his parents walk into the room. Obviously concerned by your expression.

It takes a while to explain your situation.

You don't want to go back home. Because you aren't sure where that is.

With your brother who's a stranger, or the stranger who's been acting like your brother.

"Thanks for letting me stay. I promise this won't be permanent. I-I just need to figure out some things."

Martha shakes her head.

"Stay as long as you want. I fixed up the guest room. If you need extra blankets or a change of clothes just let me know." You nod.

"Thank you Mrs. Kent."

She offers a smile, and Jonathan pats you on the shoulder. Clark is standing there and you give him an impish smile, turning away as you head up the stairs.

He knows you're hurting and he feels useless.

"Just give it some time, Clark." Martha advises.

He knows she's right.

As his parents prepare for bed, Clark does the same. He's been contemplating checking in on you, but you'd been distant since you found out the news. He wants to give you time and space, but it's hard. All he wants to do is comfort you. But he doesn't want you to push him away and run off to who knows where.

Sitting on his bed, he bounces his leg anxiously.

The subtle cries are what breaks his focus. It takes him a moment to realize that they are coming from your room. He's subconsciously used his abilities. He can hear the soft whimpers as if you're sitting right next to him and he tunes it out, jumping to his feet. He walks over to your room, knocking softly on the door. There's a brief sound of shuffling and you pull the door open just a bit.

"H-Hey Clark."

You're trying to block his view, so he doesn't see the tears. He steps forward and you stumble back.


You try to keep your voice down, and he closes the door when he's fully inside. You look so vulnerable and broken. You tug at your sleeves that have light wet spots, no doubt from rubbing your eyes.

Clark doesn't say a word, he just pulls you into his arms.

For a moment, you aren't sure how to react, but the weight of everything catches up and you can't seem to stop the tears this time. You clutch his shirt desperately as you cry.

He doesn't need an explanation.

You're in pain, and he'll do whatever it takes to make it go away.


The following morning when you wake, it takes a moment for you to collect yourself. You shift and Clark does the same, sleepily. When your eyes fully open, you smile at the sight of his disheveled hair. He's still holding you close, and you lean into his embrace.

The movement seems to have woken him up, because a little sound leaves his lips and he looks down.



You respond with a little smile.

He pulls you closer, burying his face into your neck. The action makes you blush.

Your grip tightens just a bit against the sheets.


He hums, and when he leaves a kiss against your skin, you bite down on your lip. Your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest, and he must hear it, because he pulls back to look at you. There's a playful smile on his lips.

"Your heart is racing."

Your blush darkens.

"Y-You're the one leaving kisses on my neck early in the morning like we're an old married couple what do you expect!!"

His smile just widens, and this time, he presses a kiss to your lips. You've completely forgotten why you were protesting.

He knows exactly what he's doing. 

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