Chapter 14

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The dinner is spent with you telling him about all your friends and experiences in the past few years. He seems very attentive. Readily listening and laughing at your stories. You can't imagine why Harry would be so put off by Aaron.

There's nothing about him that says that he's dangerous. You're starting to wonder if he was just worried that the second you found out you wouldn't pack up and leave.

Something that has crossed your mind as of late.

"I'm really glad you took up my offer to have dinner. I wasn't sure you would actually come."

The statement pulls your focus back.

"I'll admit I was a bit weary. "

He nods.

"I get it, I'm a stranger. Your presence alone is enough."

He sends you a charming smile, one that you return.

It's gotten pretty late.

But a part of you wants to ask so much more. Maybe he realizes.

"Would you like to take a walk?"

You nod eagerly.

"I would like that."

He rises from the table, and you follow.

The minute you step outside, you clutch your jacket tighter to your body. The both of you just choose a random direction as you walk down the street.

He's matching pace, and you aren't sure what else you should ask. There's a part of you that wants to know why there is so much hostility between him and Harry. It's understandable given the circumstances. But it feels like more than what's on the surface.

You really don't want to pry. But it is something that you need to know.

"This might be sudden, but I do hope that you consider coming back with me to New York."

Your steps slow.


He stops, turning to you.

"We're family. I want you with me. " Aaron states.

"Harry thinks you can't be trusted."

You don't mean to sound so accusatory, but you can't help but question why he had such a strong reaction.

Aaron's jaw tightens.

"Harry has always been jealous of me. Envious of my family. Did he tell you that he grew up an orphan? His own family threw him away and then he tried to steal mine. Even with mom and dad, he thought he could replace me!"

You don't expect him to raise his voice, or shout such vicious things about Harry.

A frown sets on your face.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure what you were expecting. I can't say I like the way you're talking about Harry either. I know we're family and I do want you in my life, but I can't just uproot my life and leave with you. I have friends here, family. Harry is here. Blood or not, he is family to me. I love him more than anything in this world. I'd never do anything that would hurt him. Running off with you just to punish him because of one mistake he made to protect me, it's selfish."

There's still a part of you that's pissed at him for hiding the truth, but you do care about him.

"He took me in even though we weren't even blood. I couldn't have asked for someone better."

Harry has done nothing but take care of you for years. Protect you. There's no way you can even think about abandoning him. That look he wore at the thought of you leaving was heartbreaking. You never want him to show it again.

Aaron smiles, then begins laughing, shaking his head.

You're a little confused at the reaction.

"I was afraid you would say that."

You're about to question it, but he lifts his hand and you gasp when your body feels frozen in place, you can't move a muscle and fear overtakes your features.

"I already told you, I'm your brother."

Nothing seems to be what you thought. 

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