Chapter 22

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Huffing, you finally stop to take a breath.

It dawns on you that maybe you should start working out. Given that you seem to get kidnaped every other month, and thrown across realities, it might be in your best interest to start finding ways to prepare for such encounters.

You take a moment to gather your bearings, and when you look ahead with a smile. Wiping the sweat from your forehead, you do a silent cheer.

"I was right!"

Harry's house is there.

It's possible he might be there too.

It's a bit far fetched, but at the moment you don't exactly have a lot of leads.

You're not sure what reality you've ended up in. You're fortunate that apparently your clothes automatically adjusted to the jump. That's something you might have to jot down later.

The smart choice is coming here. To a place that has some kind of familiarity. Someone who might be able to at least point you in the right direction to control this and get back home.

Besides, at this point the worst that could happen is there's strangers living in that house and they shoot you for trespassing.

"Nah, that wouldn't happen."


You shake your head.

Now's not the time to be over thinking. You rush to the door, knocking softly. Your nerves feel as though they'll jump right out of your body. When the door knob jiggles your face lights up, desperately anticipating at least one friendly face. This reality might be warped, but maybe Harry could still help you. He is a scientist after all. Even if he doesn't recognize you, you could appeal to his curious nature.

The door creaks open and you just start speaking.

"Harrison Wells my name is (Y/N) and I would like to..."

Your words trail off.

All you can do is stare.

You can't get any more words out, because standing right in front of you is...


This isn't some transparent figure.

Some apparition.

This man is as real as you.

His eyes show confusion for a moment, but it slowly changes to recognition, then awe.

"Honey, who's at the door?"

A female voice says from behind. You just barely process someone walking up to him. She places her hand on his shoulder and you know you must be wearing a stupid expression right now, because this feels unreal.


He looks over at his very pregnant wife. His eyes seem to linger on her stomach, then they move back to you.


The nickname causes you to tear up and you run right into his arms. For a few seconds, he doesn't move. But then he registers the tightness of your hold and he realizes that it's real.

You're real.

He lets out a heavy breath, returning the hug just as desperate as you. 

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