Chapter 16

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Being held captive seems like a recurring theme in your life.

"Harry was right."

Oh how you hate when he's right.

You're not really sure where you are, but it smells horrible. The room is barely lit and your hands are above your head, bound with a chain. It's beginning to bruise your wrists, but you honestly barely feel it.

"Sorry I had to use that charm on you. Couldn't take a chance of you screaming."

He pulls a chair up, taking a seat.

Aaron just watches you.

"I expected more of a reaction. People typically beg for their lives in these types of situations."

"Sorry to disappoint you but you aren't the first psycho to kidnap me."

He places his hand over his chest, feigning offense.

"A psycho, I'm appalled. After all the work I put in to find you. You don't understand how difficult it was for me. See, I may have omitted a few details from my story."

You're not sure what he's talking about, or if you can even trust anything he says.

"To be honest I had no idea you existed until a couple months ago. I left home years before that crazy meteor shower and I had very little intention of coming back. When I found out what I was capable of, I knew I was destined for more than a stupid little town like Smallville. When I told them I was leaving you should have seen their faces. Mom wouldn't stop crying, it was pathetic."

You pull at your chains angrily and Aaron laughs, standing as he moves closer, grabbing your cheeks. You try to move out of his hold, but you're pretty restricted as it is, and if he uses that crazy trick on you again, you aren't sure what'll happen.

"I asked you to come with me because we're the same. You might not know this or even believe it, but we're special. When you got taken by that classmate, I felt it. Your fear, that's how I found you. "

You shove your body the best you can and he releases you.

"What the hell are you talking about!!"

"We're mutants."

For a moment you think he's joking, but he seems to believe his words.

"Are you really this insane!!!"

His laughter does a lot to solidify your claim.

"I get why you're cynical, but our father wasn't some regular guy. He had mixed blood, I'm not sure where it all originated from, but he's had powers. We're both second generation. "

Aaron lifts his hand, and the golden flecks that jump off his fingertips seem unreal.

"I've read every type of mythology out there. Trust me, crazy things were happening in Smallville way before that meteor shower."

You'd like to deny his claims, but unless he's drugged you, what you're seeing is real.

"I used to think that I was alone in this world, but when I felt you, I realized that I wasn't. You and I, we have power that people could only dream off."

You drop your head in defeat. Because it's clear that his entire intention for being here was twisted. He never cared for you. Just what he thought you were capable of.

"I don't have any powers.." You mutter weakly.

You're nothing like him.

Aaron shakes his head.

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