Chapter 19

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After the whole ordeal with your brother, you knew it would be a while before you could fall back into that rhythm.

So much has happened.

You're still internalizing. Although you've managed to mend the bridge with Harry, you know that expecting that pain of losing Aaron won't just vanish. You need time. There's also the issue about his powers.

"I'm going to turn you into a god."

Those words are a distant echo.

Your brother was probably insane, but you couldn't deny that he had power. He seemed so sure when he spoke that you possessed the same. You want to chalk it up to delusions, but you haven't felt the same since that night.

With a heavy sigh, you step through the door of Harry's lab.

"This place seems to get bigger every time I come." You mumble.

Harry smiles, tinkering with some device. He's at his desk, helping some of the scientists with who knows what.

"I built Star Labs to manifest all my greatest ideas."

His cube box lights up, and the intern grins excitedly.

"There you go. Remember to charge thoroughly."

Y-Yes sir! Thank you!"

The younger man runs off with a brilliant smile and you roll your eyes.

"It's weird the way they worship you. You're such a nerd."

Harry places his index finger on your forehead pushing you and you slap it away as you smack his shoulder. Caitlin walks into the cortex, clearly accustomed to your fighting. Some of the other scientists just watch the exchange with a laugh.

"He's a bully!" You protest.

Caitlin smiles.

"Stop bullying your sister Harry."

Harry lowers his hand almost obediently. You smirk.

"Yeah Harry, listen to Dr. Snow."

You send a suggestive wink and Caitlin looks puzzled. Harry just sends you a death stare.

You reach to give his arm another playful hit, but the second your hand makes contact you feel your body jolt. You blink, and the structure of the room has changed remarkably. You turn in a panic.


A spark of lightning appears before you and you're relieved.

It must be him.

The man that is standing before you however is definitely not your brother.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?"

The brunette male isn't a face you recognize. You back up, clearly scared.

"I-I don't...t-this doesn't.."

You try to make a run for it. Spinning around, you run right into someone. You grab their arm, and with another panicked breath, your eyes adjust to the room.

"Keep hitting me and I'm going to retaliate."

Harry's blank tone pulls you back in. Your expression must be comedic.

"Did your brain finally have a short?" He snarks.

You mean to say something, anything. Pulling away from him, you look around, trying to ensure that you are indeed standing in Star Labs.


You look back at him. You'd like to tell him what just happened. Explain to him that you might be going crazy, but you still don't know what this is. So causing him unnecessary panic won't do any good. You exhale and work up the best smile that you can.

"You're still a nerd."

Harry rolls his eyes, turning back to his work, and you move to take a seat and gather your bearings.

It'll be a long week.


"Mythology, mythology.."

You keep mumbling the words as you search for the section with fiction. Since you couldn't truly explain what happened, you figured the next best thing would be to research. Mythology is what Aaron mentioned when he took you. There must be something. Anything that could give you just the slightest idea of what the hell you saw back at Star Labs.

Your fingers brush over the books.

"This is taking longer than I expected."

You hate that you have to sneak out behind Harry's back.

"Damn it where are you!!"

You probably shouldn't be screaming in the middle of a library. You're just expecting the librarian to rush over angrily, but it appears your little quirk has struck again. You feel like you've just fallen off a cliff.

Your shoulder hits the side of a desk and you hear gasps echo right as you tumble to the floor. You groan at the fall, and when you open your eyes. Some people are leaning over looking down at you.

"Jenkins, where did she come from?"

"If I knew that Mr. Jones, I wouldn't be standing here just as confused."

"She looks hungry, are you hungry?" The redhead asks.

"Guys, let her breathe." The blond woman states.

You jump to your feet and they all back up.

"W-Where am I?"

The place is stacked with books all around.

"Why, you're in the library of course. Cassandra, it's nice to meet you." The redhead holds out her hand, and you just stare.

"The library..w-what library?! What the hell is going on!!"

"Okay calm down. Maybe we can help? My name is Eve Baird. We're just here to help I promise."

You're still weary, and the older man standing ahead of you narrows his eyes.

"You got into the library, that's not common. What kind of god are you?"

"I'm not a god!!"

You yell defensively, slamming your hand on the desk.

That clearly wasn't the best choice. You roll forward as the wood gives away from the weight, and you crash into something hard. When you gather your footing, you're holding onto a bookshelf.

"Please leave."

The angry older woman is actually a face you recognize.

"I-I'm back.."

Your eyes shift around to ensure that you are actually back in Smallville. You catch sight of a sign behind her head, and you sigh, running out of there.

"Whatever this is..I need to stop it."

It needs to happen now. 

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