Chapter 25

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Settling back feels a little simple. For one you're a bit more reassured that you won't go falling through time again.

Harry is going through some items in the basement. The conversation about your parents had made him a bit nostalgic. As he picks through the boxes you turn to him.

"Harry, Remember when I was eight and I got separated. You were trying to get ice cream for me and I wandered off."

Harry nods.

"I do, a girl helped me get you.."

His words trail off and he finally internalizes the image of that girl.

"It..was you.."

You smile at him.

"Life really is amazing, isn't it."

He can't help but share your joy.

"It is."


There's an ease that comes with no longer having secrets. After your morning with Harry, you stop by the Kent Farm. You know Clark's parents are still trying to wrap their minds around the time traveling situation. Which is understandable since you're in the same boat.

Clark is stacking bales of hay as you enjoy the show.

"So you think you'll be okay? No more jumping into weird places or time."

You nod distractedly.

"I think so. I'm not sure how to explain but after I spoke to my dad everything just feels balanced. I think I was always supposed to end up there."

In a lot of ways that's true.

You've had quite the year.

"We should take a vacation." You suggest. 

Clark laughs.

"That would be great right about now." He agrees.

It's a nice thought.

Speaking of nice, has Clark always looked that good in jeans?


You can't believe you never noticed before. He turns at the sound and you straighten in your spot.

"What's wrong?"

You shake your head with a nervous laugh.

"N-Nothing just had a funny thought."

You should do a better job at shamelessly admiring your boyfriend when he's not looking.

He's looking at you as if waiting for an explanation and you blush looking away.

"Clark, you're a little too cute sometimes."

He's the one who blushes at the comment now, placing the pitch fork in his hand down. You're not sure how you were so fortunate. You have a brother that loves you and a guy who's quite literally out of this world.

"We haven't had much time to spend together, do you want to do something this weekend?"

He perks up at the suggestion.

"I'd like that."

He suddenly looks very energetic and you nod.

"Then it's a date."

Jumping to your feet, you move over taking his hand.

"How about we mess around with Harry. His angry face is funny." Clark smiles, and you're about to pull him along, but he doesn't budge. You turn to him in question.

"I feel like if I don't say this now I won't have the courage to later."

"Say what?"

"Tell you that I love you." Clark admits.

Of course you're shocked.

"I know it's sudden. I've been waiting for the right moment but when you were gone I realized that nothing in life is certain. I don't want to live with any regrets. I love you (Y/N)."

You were sure it was possible to get any happier than you are right now.

You smile.

"I love you too, Clark,"

His anxious expression turns to one of surprise.


You nod, laughing as you jump at him, tackling him into a hug.

"Yes you crazy alien!"

You both fall against the stack of hay he'd been tending to earlier, laughing loudly.

Right now, you're more than content. 

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