Chapter 26

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There's an ease that comes with knowing you weren't warping into some other dimension randomly anymore. 

Sitting on your bed, your eyes run over the internship applications. There seemed to be so many options. You're still trying to decide what you'd like to do.

Clark is doing the same. He's always had an interest in journalism. So you figure that's his ultimate career goal. The text from your phone makes you divert your attention. You look down, smiling at the message Caitlin sends.

Clark looks up when he catches the little giggle you let out.

"What are you laughing at?"

He's wearing a smile from his spot at your desk.

"Caitlin is babysitting Harry again. He tends to get fixated when he makes big breaks."

"I could see that."

Clark goes back to his previous sifting and you nibble on your lower lip when you realize something.



His eyes are still focused on the papers in front of him.

"Harry's going to be gone for the weekend. So it's just the two of us."

You can tell he doesn't truly get what you're insinuating. Not at first at least. When he does, his eyes widen a bit. The change in his expression makes you a bit bashful.

"I should get us some snacks."

You stand with an awkward giggle, speed walking to the door. He follows, blocking your way with a smile.

"Just the two of us."

He clarifies.

You nod, clearly distracted. He leans in, and you respond immediately as you wrap your hands around his neck. In a matter of seconds your feet are off the ground and you hum in satisfaction. There's been so much chaos that you haven't had a chance to relax until now.

With Clark, it all just feels easier. Your back hits the door, and Clark pulls back at the sound.

"A-Are you okay?"

You pull him back down with a nod, and he moans at how eagerly you close the small distance. He's strong, you've always known that. You understand that this type of closeness might be a bit scary for him, but you've been through way too much to even worry about something as silly as Clark hurting you.

He knows his strength, so do you. You can handle it, handle him. He pins your hands to the door and you bite your lip when he pulls back, littering kisses along your neck. You really want to touch him, but the fact that he's being just a little forceful is a bit of a turn on. Clark has such a teddy bear personality. Seeing him lose control like this is exciting. His breath against your skin is ridiculously arousing.

"W-We..we probably shouldn't..not yet.."

He mutters between kisses.

You nod, eyes closed in pleasure. He's right. You want your first time to be memorable and far away from where Harry can just pop up at any time. The guy is like an insect sometimes. The last thing you need is him catching you and Clark in the act. That might actually traumatize him, and you.

"J-Just kissing.."

You agree.

He nods this time, and when you feel his hand on your breast you let out another soft moan.

"I-Is this...okay.."

He is still trying to cover your skin in kisses, or possibly marks, you can't really tell.

"Y-Yes, touching is fine.." You reply breathlessly.

You're both in too much of a horny haze to process where you should really draw the line. His hand moves down and when it slips between your legs you gasp, pulling him back in for a rougher kiss. He groans, putting a bit of pressure against your jeans. You grip at his jacket, trying to maintain some semblance of control. Your hips are bucking, begging for more friction.

"B-Bed!" You practically demand.

He runs over in a second and your bodies bounce. His large hands part your legs and when he presses into you, your hips lift to achieve as much relief as you can. Clark doesn't remove any of your clothing, but he can still feel how desperately you're grinding into him.

It's driving him a bit mad. This time he's the one that adds pressure and the action takes your breath away. The size of him and that delicious friction is everything that you need.

You both said no sex, but obviously humping is completely on the table. You don't really care that you're groping and grabbing each other clumsily, this has been long overdue.

It'll be a great weekend. 

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