Chapter 4

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"Hey Clark, do you want to come with me tomorrow to the library? I need to pick up some things for my report. Clark? Earth to Clark!"

He blinks.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

This has been going on for a while. You aren't sure what it is, but something has been weighing on his mind. Given your extensive knowledge on all things Clark Kent, you can't figure out why he would keep anything from you. 

There's a part of you that wants to ask, and another part that just doesn't want to pry. Given all you know, he's entitled to keep certain things to himself.

"You've been acting weird for a while now. Are you sure everything is okay? You know you can tell me anything. I'm always here to listen."

There lies the problem.

He should be ecstatic that you're willing to hear every request. But when you look at him like that, smile at him. Direct all your attention to his needs and wants, it makes it harder. Harder for him to not act on his growing feelings. More than anything he treasures this friendship. If you were to ever avoid him like you'd done in the start, he isn't sure how he would deal with that.

But the alternative is forcing a smile on his face everyday and pretending that there's nothing there.

"I can't make it this weekend, I promised my dad I'd help with the chores."

You smile.

"Well that's all you had to say. Geez I wasn't going to bite off your head if you couldn't spare one measly Saturday. Quit being so brooding."

With a little shove, you continue your conversation.

Sometimes he wishes he possessed the ability to read thoughts. Maybe then it would make this a whole lot easier.


Your little mutter catches his attention and he notices you rubbing your eye.

"What happened!?" He moves closer, searching.

You laugh at his panic.

"Calm down, an eyelash just went into my eye."

You bat his hand away.

"Let me see." He insists.

"Fine, fine."

You move your hand making a weird face.

"Do you see it?"

"I see a very terrifying expression."

"Just get it out!"

You flail your arms and he chuckles, nodding as he tilts your head gently and blows, You make a few frantic blinks, then look at him.

"I think you got it. Thanks Clark." You're grinning.

He's still holding your face in his hands. Clark doesn't make a move to pull away, and you feel a bit more conscious of his touch.


He's so quiet and it's sort of driving you crazy.

Maybe it's an impulse.

But at that moment, he can't seem to stop himself. Clark leans forward and when his lips press against your own, you let out a soft sound of surprise. Clark's eyes are closed and you pull away, pressing your hands to your lips.

The situation dawns on him, and he's stunned.


"I-I have to go!"

You dart out of there before he can apologize. He should follow you, explain. But he's not sure what to say.

It's obvious to him now that the advance was unwanted. 

What he's been dreaded seems to have become a reality. 

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