Chapter 11

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It's crazy that you have to sneak into the place that you've called home for all your life. You're extra careful to close the door quietly. As much uncertainty as you held, you know you need to get your books, maybe some clothes. Just enough for a short time, until you figure out what you're going to do.

You're grateful that the Kents are so welcoming.


You freeze in place.

It seems you're not as careful as you thought.

Harry is standing in the doorway of the kitchen. From his appearance, it's obvious he hadn't gotten much sleep.

If any.

"I need you to understand that you can't trust Aaron."

His choice of words is laughable.

"Last time I checked he hasn't been lying to me for years."

Harry's expression falls at the statement.

"I don't know who I'm supposed to trust. The man who lied to me about everything, or the one who just showed up. You tell me I can't trust him, but he's here and he wants to be a part of my life. You've known how hard it was when I was younger thinking I was alone. That we were alone. But you still thought it wasn't worth telling me. How do you justify that? "

"I was protecting you."

"From what!! What are you protecting me from!!"

"From Aaron. I know you won't believe me but he's dangerous. There's a reason he's just shown up out of the blue. He wants something from you."

You laugh bitterly.

"So now I'm only useful to exploit. Is it so hard to believe that someone out there might actually care about me."

"(Y/N) know that's not what I mean. "

You can't exactly say you know what he's thinking.

"If he didn't show up, were you ever going to tell me?"

His expression is enough.

"You were a kid, basically an infant. I did what I thought was beneficial."

"I'm almost eighteen years old, Harry! I think at some point it would have been good to know that the man I was living with is a complete stranger!!"

His expression falls.

"Is you see me?"

You aren't sure what to say. You just feel so angry and you don't know who you're supposed to direct it at.

"Why did you even take me in..did you just feel sorry. You were just doing charity for some orphan, or maybe you were hoping to get something in return."

"How could you even suggest that!!"


You're screaming, possibly one step away from breaking down.


His response shocks you. You've only ever seen Harry emotional twice in your life. That time in middle school, and that day at the hospital when he got the call from the sheriff. Both times are a direct link to you.

"You...your parents..they are the only family I've ever known. I never had anyone and they opened their home to me. A complete stranger. The only reason I was able to accomplish anything in life was because of them. They practically raised me and I promised I would become successful, make them proud. I had just started my company when I heard about the accident and it killed me.."

The tears are running before you can stop them. Harry isn't much better.

"When I found out that they had a child that no one had claimed I was devastated. I kept you for days contacting every number I could find. I couldn't get through to anyone. Not one person. You were so young and fragile and I couldn't just let them put you into the system. It felt like a betrayal to leave you alone like that. I was selfish. I know that. I did it because in some crazy way I wanted to keep a piece of them with me but I..I love you. The longer you were with me the more I realized that I loved you as if you were my own flesh and blood and I told myself that I would never let anyone or anything hurt you. I'm..I'm sorry.."

You sob.

There isn't a right reaction for everything that has happened during the course of this week. 

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