Chapter 21

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The first thing you register is the lack of contact.

When you open your eyes, Clark and Harry are nowhere in sight.

Not that you're surprised.

You try your best to focus.

On your surroundings, the feeling, Harry's words.

"I believe in you."

"I've got this."

You have to conquer this, if nothing but to keep your own sanity. Letting out a breath, you take in the environment. Try to spot something familiar. Looking down, you're surprised, your clothes have changed.

"Where am I?"

You turn in a circle, watching the space in front of you. It looks like you're in a town, fairly similar to Smallville. You take some hesitant steps forward, down the path.

The old poster on the walls, the dated clothing that everyone seemed to be wearing. It's not making any sense, not until you see the sign.

"The Talon.. "

You never thought you'd feel so happy to see something so simple. It appears you're still in Smallville. Grinning you take off in a sprint, ignoring the stares that follow you.


"She's gone.."

Harry knew he was the one to encourage you, but it was terrifying, not knowing where you were. What would happen to you or if you would come back. He would never forgive himself if you got hurt.

Harry turns and Clark looks just as devastated.

"She's going to be okay." Clark looks over at Harry's statement.

"It's not a matter of what I hope, it's faith. (Y/N) is strong. She's going to come back."

Harry's firm words make a smile rise on Clark's face. It's obvious that he noticed the fear and decided to console. As stoic as Harry looks sometimes, he cares. More than he likes to show sometimes.

"Where do you think she ended up this time? Clark asks.

"Probably somewhere she feels at home, somewhere safe."

It's all he can hope for.


Now that it's just the two of them it seems appropriate to ask.

"Are you really an alien?"

Clark's entire gait changes. His shoulders set almost protectively. It's obvious this is a touchy subject.

"I wasn't exactly born in Smallville."

Harry watches him carefully, possibly waiting for someone to jump out and tell him it's a prank. But even he knows better than that. If anything, Harry has to say that he's indebted to Clark, because time and time again he's shown up and done his best to keep you safe.

Your first meeting when you were both taken. That entire period when you were trying to figure out what to do about Aaron's sudden arrival.

Now when you're probably jumping through who knows how many realities.

"You love her."

That's not what Clark expects. Now his unease turns to bashfulness.

"I-I well see I.."

Clark can't get the words out. Despite the circumstances, Harry can't help but smile. It's clear Clark hasn't said those words to you.

"Please just..don't say anything to her. She's been through a lot and I..I don't think I could deal with losing her again."

With so much still uncertain, when he finally sees you, he'd like nothing more than to confess it all, but it's terrifying. Almost as terrifying as truly losing you.

"I won't tell her." Harry assures.

It's not his place to tell you that. Clark has good intuition, he'll know when the right moment is.

"Just remember, she loves me the most."

Harry adjusts his glasses, and Clark actually laughs, because he makes it sound like a competition. He supposed he wouldn't mind losing to Harry in that department. 

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