Chapter 2

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It's easier when you're not ducking hallways and sneaking out of classrooms.

Clark's secret is a lot, but you're no longer afraid.

Yep, life was looking up.

You grin to yourself, closing your locker and you jolt at the blond right behind it who appears like a ghost.

"What the hell!!"

She smiles.

"Hi, I'm Chloe Sullivan, you must be (Y/N) Wells."

"How does she know my name! Does she work with the government? Is she trying to find out Clark's secret? I promise I'll take it to the grave Clark! TO THE GRAVE!!"

"Clark told me about you, I just wanted to say hi."

"Oh thank goodness." You exhale.

She quirks a brow. You cough, rubbing your arm.

"S-So uh Chloe you said. You run the torch right?"

"I do! Have you read my work?"

"A couple of them. It's smart to stay up to date of the crazy stuff that goes on around here. "

She nods excitedly.

"It sure is. If there's a story, I'll be there to get it. Which leads me to my next question. Would you be willing to sit down for an interview? I wanted the inside scope on what happened with Kyle."

You swallow. It's not so much you're scared. That memory is just unpleasant. Maybe she notices the uneasy look.

"Oh I'm sorry. If it's too much we don't have to. I'm sorry sometimes I just get ahead of myself." You shake your head, taking a step back. You really don't want to have this conversation. Your backtrack causes you to hit someone and they grab you by the shoulders to steady you. You turn, and to your relief it's Clark.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Just had some bad milk this morning. " Clark releases you, then turns to Chloe for an explanation.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pry. " She looks a bit guilty, and you offer a little smile.

"It's alright. You don't have to feel bad. I'm just not comfortable talking about that. I hope that's okay."

Maybe someday it won't hold such a weight. As of right now, putting that incident in the paper would be too much.

"I understand. Sorry again. I'll see you later Clark." Chloe walks away and Clark moves to your side.

"Chloe might be a little forward but she means well. "

You got the same impression. She doesn't seem like a bad person. Just very assertive. You figure that's a trademark for any good reporter.

"She's passionate about what she loves. That's commendable. When she's a big shot, maybe she'll still be open to writing my story."

Clark smiles.

"I'll put in a special request just for you." A laugh escapes your lips and he looks happy at the content expression that graces your face.

"Are you busy after school?" He steps a bit closer and you tilt your head.

"Not particularly, did you need help with something?"

You can't imagine him needing any help to be quite honest.

"No, I was just hoping we could talk."

That's strangely vague, but when he's looking at you like a puppy, you can't exactly say no.

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