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The story plot starts from here. But before reading I wanna warn you something ~

• At first it is a fan fiction so don't combine the fictional world and reality together.

• I will put some pov in this story . Only main leads. Not supportive character or others.

• In this story will have mention of Sexual harassement and some adult theme.

• Don't tell me standing in this century you still have problem with virginity. So The main leads can loose their virginity to others. Maybe they loose their virginity but the end will be with main lead .
• In the last I am telling this or informing you all this because sone of my readers personally messaged me in my account and said very rough words. So please if you cannot tolerate this all. GET Out from my channel....

And my real supporter thank you for always supporting. It mean a lot to me.....



As usual I got up from my sleep as the alarm rang. I felt annoyed for the sunlight that forced me to squint my eyes.

I lazily got up and wore my robe as I have habit of sleeping shirtless. I entered into the bathroom. When I looked my face into the mirror. Bright, charming and intelligent. I know it about me. No one have the charm I do.

I went under the shower and on it with the perfect temperature for me. After taking shower I wore my bathrob and used my daily facial routine which I am doing to keep my charm on. After my facial routine, I choosed an outfit for office.


gave my coat to my driver with my bag and looked at me in mirror for last look befor leaving.

(The look)

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(The look)

I walked out of my room and took the orange juice glass from the tray that the maid was carrying for me. I walked down to the downstairs when I saw my whole family there eating peacefully except Minjoon as he works in Daegu.

I saw Halmono who is talking with manager of her, Kang Yangon. I walked over to the dining table area and said
"Good Morning everyone. " When they wished me back.

› Author//

Taehyung looked at his plate which is new dieting food. Seasoned potatoes with Eel fish pan fried and some of veggies and a piece of baguette.

Halmoni looked at everyone and smiled a little bit.
Halmoni :jalmeokkessumnida . Let's dig in.

All started eating as no one talk so much except one person this is Hoseok, the sunshine.
Jh : Halmoni Did you find anyone for out Tae?
Taehyung felt a choke in his throat. He looked moreover glared on Hoseok.

Hoseok literally don't give a f*ck about it he rolled his eyes before showings his tongue to Taehyung.
Halmoni : No. But I am giving him 2 weeks. If he don't find anyone then I will choose someone in my taste.
Tae : Halmoniii!
Halmoni : End of talking. And no cheating. You need someone in real. I hope you understand.
Tae : Than you can choose someone for me. Because I am not interested in anyone.
Halmoni : Okay. Good choice dear.

Taehyung nodded and left for office after eating his breakfast.
Namjoon sitting there thinking whom his Halmoni choosed for Taehyung.

Ha-joon : Eomma whom you choosed?
Halmoni : whom else? His secretary Jungkook.
Myung hee : Eomma you know Taehyung don't like him as because of Honey Kookie is working as His Secretary.
Halmoni : You know Taehyung have a little weakness toward Kookie and I am sure he is the one who can make this coldie into our old bear.
Ha-joon : As you think so.

Kim Corporation ››

Taehyung entered into the office when he saw his nightmare aka Jeon Jungkook standing with a notepad in his hand.

Jk : Good morning Mr

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Jk : Good morning Mr. Kim.
Tae : Morning Jeon. So what is my schedule?
Jk : You have 1 meeting after 1 hour with the Russian company Xxxx Corporation CEO Mr. Ivan and then you also have to meet the Cartier CEO as they want youa s their model and your best friend Jimin park wanna meet you after 6 pm.
Tae : Okay bring me a iced Americano.
Jungkook nodded and he left for the drink. Taehyung rolled his eyes and he walked to his cabin.

At XXX café »

Jungkook entered into teh café which is just along with the Corporation.
Jk : One iced Americano please and one Sweet Potato Latte.
Worker : Okay.
Jungkook looked through the Phone which showed Taehyung's pic in an Article.

"CEO KIM Taehyung and actress Irene are seemed so close in the birthday party of actor park Seojun . "

Jungkook chuckled. He paid the worker took the drinks and left for office again.
Jungkook knocked the door when he heard.
"Come in "
Jungkook put a smile in his face and entered .
Jk : Mr. Kim here is your Iced Americano.
Tae : Hmm.

Jungkook placed it on table and stood beside him.
Tae : The files I gave you last night.
Jk : I completed it Mr. Kim.
Tae : Did you slept?
Jk : Yes for 4 hours.
Tae : Have you checked in morning the files? If I find any....
Jk : I have checked it for 2 time Mr. Kim don't need to feel pressurised.
Tae : Good.

Taehyung took the Americano in his hand and left for The meeting.
Jungkook also followed him behind...

To be continued....

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