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Some days later,
Jungkook came with Taehyung in office and attend the meeting. He is going for shopping today as he is getting married 4 days later.
Jungkook entered into Taehyung' cabin and gave him a cup of hot tea.
Jk : Here your tea.
Tae : Thank you princess. When are you going fir shopping?
Jk : When Jimin , Lisa and Jennie will come then .
Tae - Jennie who is this person?
Jk : My best friend Lisa's girlfriend.
Tae : Ohh. Ok. Do i have any other meeting to attend?
Jk : No.
Tae : Okay then I will go for my shopping with Namjoon hyung , Yoongi hyung and Hoseok.
Jk : Okay bye.
Tae : Bye Princess.
Jungkook smiled and left. And Taehyung put his hnd on the left side eof his chest.
Tae : Is he getting more beautiful or I am the one who noticed it now. God he will be the death of me.

Time skips,
Jungkook roamed around the mall and choosed a beautiful dress for him.
Jm : Kookie don't wanna buy something else?
Jk :(innocently) what?
Jm : Lingerie.
Jk : W-What?
Ls : Oh yeah of course let's go.
Jk : I -I am not a g-girl.
Jn : so what. Cross dressing is common now. You can even wear bikinis for your hubby.
Jk : Yaah shut up. I am not going to buy that s**tty outfit.
Jm : don't worry I will gift you that in your special night. Jimin smugly smiled.
Jk : Whatever. I am done.
Jm : Aren't you going to change your nail paint?
Jk : One day before the wedding. I want it new.
Jm : Okay then let's go to a restaurant. I wanna eat something.
Ls : let's go to xxxx restaurant. I heard it launched new Indian cuisine. And it is also like making authentic Indian food.
Jk : Let' go it's been a long time I had not eaten indian food.

In restaurant ;
Jimin and Jungkook ordered butter garlic naan and butter chicken. Lisa and Jennie ordered Simple roti with mutton curry. Also ordered raita , plain lassi (my favorite) and lamb chops with curry.

All dig in into the delicious foods and payed the bill. Yoongi picked Up Jimin from the restaurant and left for home. Jennie and Lisa also left. Hoseok went to a blind date and Taehyung picked Up Jungkook from restaurant.

In car ›››
Jungkook is silent observing the nature around him and Taehyung is focused in driving.
The atmosphere of the car was so silent. Soft music is playing.

Tae : Princess.
Jk :Hmm.
Tae : How was you day?
Jk : Good. I had fun. And you.
Tae : Me too .
Jk: Where is hobi hyung?
Tae : Went to blind date.
Jk : that's great.
Tae : From tomorrow we cannot neet each other you know right.
Jk : Yes I know. I hope you will be happy because you don't have to see my annoying face.
Jungkook said and laughed a little like a mockery smile.
Tae : I wish I could say the same. But I will miss you Princess.
Jungkook's movement stopped and his cheesk got tinted with different shades of red. He tugged his hair behind his ear and looked at Taehyung.

In this few days both caught an immense feeling toward each other. Both likes each other's presence. Both like to talk about random things. Both like to eat together and also flirts like a married couple.
Jungkook didn't understand when his hatred for Taehyung became adoration , care and weakness.

Taehyung dragged the car near a fountain of a park and came out from the car. Jungkook did the same .
Tae hold Jungkook hand and started walking. He took in end of the park and hold Kook's both hand.

Tae : Princess I know it is too fast to say things like this. I always hated you because you are one who destroyed my ego. But then I realized I have a weakness for you Jungkook. Everyday I miss you, I feel like I can't live without you. I love you Princess. I love you so much. I cannot stay without you princess. In this days I understand you took a great place in my heart.
Taehyung said holding Jungkook's hands dearly. Jungkook felt so pleased with the words of Taehyung. He like him. He also wants him in his life. He don't hate him. He don't love him but he likes him. He took a great place in his heart .

Jk : I- am sorry Taehyung but I need time. But I also want to give chance this marriage. I want to, from my heart.
Tae : It's okay Princess. I can understand. Take how much time you need. I will always wait for you. Always.

Jungkook smiled . Taehyung smiled back pulling Jungkook in a long and overwhelming hug. Jungkook wrapped his hands around Tae's waist and put his head on Taehyung' chest. Taehyung also gave a peck on his head.

The night looks beautiful. Maybe today more beautiful for the couple .

To be continued........

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