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It's been 2 days we came back to seoul. After that day Halmoni became so placid. She stopped talking too much. Maybe tensed. I joined as secretary again in company. After having breakfast I came to room where Taehyung is ready to leave. I will join hum later because he have meeting with Mr. Jeremy. And I already have made that per and gave it to him.

He wore his watch and looked at me.
"When will you come?" He asked while fixing the lock of the watch. It is from Gucci which cost 1000$ and he bought it with his first salary. So it is dear to him.
"I will join after 30 minutes Taehyung don't sulk like a baby! " My eyes is rolled annoyance.
"Ow princess don't roll your eyes too much or I will make exact reason to roll your eyes back with pleasure" My breath choked and I looked at him with widened eyes.
"What the heck! " And he just left after saying this words he left! My goodness this man knows very well how to turn the game.

I shake my head to remove the thought of him and entered into the bathroom. I stripped off ny clothes and went under the cold shower. Nowadays I am obsessed with floral fragrance bodywash and I use it everyday to smell good. After coming out from shower I changed my office outfit which of course my dear husband bought for me. I have never wear this much costly dresses for office. God knows why he always like expensive things.


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When I entered into the office I saw all are looking at me I fear. I looked at them and they looked away.
"What happened? " I asked one of the staffs.
"Mr. Kim almost killed Me. Jeremy. And he called police and told them to put him in jail " He looked around with shaking hands.

"Where is he now?" I looked at the afraid figure of the staff he told faintly "in his cabinroom". I hurriedly left from there and entered into the room.

I saw him sitting on couch while his coat is on floor and his sleeves are rooled and he is resting his head over his hand

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I saw him sitting on couch while his coat is on floor and his sleeves are rooled and he is resting his head over his hand. He didn't noticed me. I locked the door and dat down beside him.

"Why so angry huh? What happened? Why you fight with him? " I asked him. He now looked up at me and hold ny hand and pulled me on his lap. His head goes on my chest and rested there.
I started to caresse his hair.

"He said he will do the partnership if I give you to him. He wants you as his one night stand. How he can say that to my wife. I will kill him. I will not let him live in this world. How he can say that our marriage willn't stay long. That bastered motherf*cker." . He was about to get up but I stopped him.

"Stop and calm down. Mr. Kim now you need to calm down. This much anger is not good for your health " I smiled while placed my hand on his cheek. He is like a pouty baby.
"Never thought that Mr. Kim who once hated me now ready to be a killer for me , I am impressed Mr. Kim " I chuckled. But his eyes darkened and he pushed me on couch placiuhis hand on my throat and choking me deeply.

"I don't even know princess when my most hated person because my obsession. You are my obsession, my possession, my love, my sl*t to fuck senselessly and my whore to play with and mine only mine. You belong to me and even death cannot separate us princess I promise " He rasped near my ear. A strong shiver flowed to my spine.

He smashed his lips with me . Our boths tongue colided with each other fighting to win while his hands is still choking me. He was not even this much rough that night. But today he feels more rough and good. His kiss trailed to my jawline to my neck and then he ripped off my shirt and attacked my chest.

His tongue latched on my right nipples which hardened for the touch if the cold air and his touch . He started flicking my bud like play iten while playing with the other one.

"Ahhh~ ahmh Taee so good ~ " I moaned out but soon put my hand over my hand. I am ashamed of my moanes not because I don't want it but I am afraid fir others in office.
"Don't stop moaning princess or you will get punishment! " He husked and I took away ny hands.

After playing with my both nipple he pulled away. He caressed my lips , my cheeks and my body.
"Tell me princess do you want it? Or we will stop it . Do you want it? " His voice is dark and making ne more wet in my lower parts.

"I want it but not here please " I cried out. I can feel his smirk and naughty grin.
"Let's go princess " He helped me to get ready and picked up in bridal style . He put ne in car. Ge sat down beside me.
"Where we are going? " I asked him.
He looked at me with his those dark eyes.
"Where you will get filled with pleasure".

To be continued.......

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