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Taehyung >>>

I dragged Jungkook from there to inside but he pushed me away a little.
"Why you called me princess in front of her? And why are you behaving like this all gentleman? You don't like me did you forget?" He said and I smiled at him.
"Well there is nothing to hate you princess. You are well educated, well mannered and beautiful too so I thought what if I give this marriage a chance? "
" You heard me and Sio right? " He asked and I obviously cannot lie. He still continued.
"Listen Mr. Kim if you think you can pity me then stop I don't need your pity I am fine with my life. And I am just out if pressure agreed to marry so there in no point to change the contract between us. "

He said and left me there.
"We will see princess " I smiled with this thought.

Author >>>

Jungkook entered into the living room when his Eomma and Appa wanted to leave but Halmoni made them sit and requested them for dinner. Though they didn't wanted but for the many request from everyone they accepted the invitation from them.

Jungkook helped Jin , Ashii and
Myung-hee to serve the elders. For the whole time Jungkook didn't talk with either Junghyun Or Shima. They thought he might be busy but Jungkook really don't wanna talk with them. He talked to his grandma who understand Jungkook's for ignoring them.

Halmoni : Taehyung you going to reach Jungkook home understand.
Tae : Okay Halmoni.
Halmoni and left for her room.
Jungkook took the bag and left before Taehyung. Tae followed him behind.

Sio left for his new fiancé's house and Jeons decided to spent as hotel.

In car >
Jungkook is looking outside of the car while Taehyung is driving. Both are not talking just quit in their own mind. But Taehyung decided to break the silence.
Tae : Jungkook.
Jk : Yes.
Tae : Jun is your ex right?
Jk : Hmm.
Tae : He invited me the day after tomorrow for his engagement.
Jk : Ok.
Tae : I want you to go there with me as my fiancé.
Jk : what? Nooo.
Tae : Yes you are and when we will get married it doesn't mean that you are not going to listen me. You have to because I am your soon to be husband.
Jk : I told you don't show me your sympathy or anything like this. I am fine.
Tae : But I am not.
Jk : why? Why Mr. Kim we are nothing remember this point in your brain. We are nothing.
Tae : Princess don't talk to me like this. I know 69 ways to shout your mouth.
Jk : what the.... (Red cheeks) you are
Tae :  pervert I know. But you cannot day like this and about the relationship I am sure you will be able to understand the relationship between us very soon princess.
And now we are here.
Jk : you are waste of talk.
Tae : Have a good night. See you tomorrow. Bye princess.

Jungkook angrily came out from the car and ran inside the apartment and Taehyung laughed out.
Tae : Don't know what happened to me but it is a good feeling inside me.

Taehyung left from there.

Time skips to next day,

xxx café >>

Taehyung asked Jimin to meet him in the café so before Taehyung leave for office he came here in this café to meet his bestie Jimin.
Jm : So speak what happened?
Tae : well I was the egoistic one I understand that yesterday.
Jm : I know that next. (Smile)
Tae : So I came to know that he............. And  last night also Sio was humiliating him and I told him that I will take him with me to party.
Jm :Hmm. I see. I wanna day are feeling little bit weak toward him now. Or just out of pity.
Tae : Jiminah I kept on working ny brain for many long time and I understand that He was never my enemy but I made him out of nowhere. I was hurt because he didn't gave me that much importance and treat me like normal human being.
Jm :(smile) you know I am happy you are finally changing Taehyung.
Tae : (pout) I was always same Jiminah.
Jm :yes yes my Sulkie coldie. So when are you taking him to date.
Tae : He hate love things Jiminah. After getting betrayed by his boyfriend, parentd he hates it. But I thing we need time to work on it. We both don't know each other. And moreover we have lot of time.
Jimin smiled and nodded. They talked alittle bit and left from there. Yoongi came to pick up Jimin from café.

In car Jimin sat down inside the car.
Yg : Why he called you in the morning?
Jm : My bestie finally in love so he informed me that
Yg : Hmm. Eomma wanted to meet you.
Jm : Ok I will go to meet her.
Yg : You are going with me now.
Jm : Okay.

They drove to Min Mansion.

To be continued.........

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