20 (M)

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Yoongi took Jimin to their new mansion. As his parents want to go back to Daegu to their old land. Yoongi bought this house 2 days ago and in some hours shifted everything.

Jimin entered into the mansion and Yoongi followed behind him. Jimin look around like a lost puppy. Yoongi has informed him about buying the new house. Jimin told he will be good with anything that Yoongi will choose design for the house.

Yg : How is it Jaan ?
Jm : B-beautiful.
Yoongi smiled to see Jimin's red cheeks. He moved toward him and hugged him from behind.
Yg : I tried my best to change the black side of this house and fill with bright colours. If you find anything that is dreary or black change it with your own brightness angel.

Jimin felt overwhelmed with the words of Yoongi. Jimin don't know how but Yoongi have changed. The old Yoongi and Present Yoongi have alot differences.
Jm : are you fine? I mean.... You seems happy.
Yg : Why will i not be happy Jaan?
Jm : T-this marriage i-is against y-your will. And you never l-liked me....

Yoongi knows Jimin still have this understanding that He don't like him. Yoongi turned Jimin around to make him look at him.
Yg : I love You Min Jimin. And i want to spend my last breath with you.
Jimin's ears perked up to hear what Yoongi said to him.
The years weleld up from his tears and hu hugged Yoongi by waist.
Jm : Is it dream? Are you saying really that you love me Or just dream. If it is dream please don't wake me up.
Yg : look at me Jaan.
Yoongi hold the cheeks of Jimin and made him look at him.
Yg : It is not a dream Jaan. I am here and I love you.

Jm : K-Kiss me h-hubby.
Yg : What you called me Jaan ?
Jm : (whole red tomato) h-h-hubby.
Yg : (under his breath) F*ck.

Yoongi lift Jimin by waist up and smashed his lips with him. Jimin circled his arms around Yoongi's neck. He tilted his head alittle to give access to kiss him.
Yoongi sucjed the bottom lips so hard and entered his tongue inside Jimin' mouth and explored the whole mouth. The kiss is passionate yet heated. The sound of kiss, smooches, muffls and moans are filled in that living room.

When Jimin felt that he is out of breath he pat on Yoongi's chest. Yoongi got the instructions bit he hold Jimin both hand and pushed him on couch. And started to kiss like he have starved for 2month .

After more that 6 minutes he pulled away to see Jimin is out if breath. The whole face colour changed into 50 shades of red. Hairs messy, rosy swollen lips and the saliva stilled attached with his lips.

Yg : I cannot control anymore Jaan.
Jm : I am not stopping. I want you too h-hubby. Please take me.
Yg : You don't know how much tempting you are looking right now.
Jm : Touch me hubby.. I wanna feel your hand over my body.
Yoongi teared apart the thin gown of Jimin anf saw the most beautiful feast of his life.
The beautiful pale body of Jimin . The body is bright like moon. A tatto is aligned straight written " NEVERMIND " . The nippled perjed up like a peak of diamond.

He also felt wetness in his knees which is between the two legs of Jimin.
Yg : Already wet Jaan. Just my kiss make wet.
Jm : Uhmm H-hubby pl-please.
Yg : Yes what angel?
Jm : Want you wanna feel you.
Yg : Let's take it to our room.
Saying this he picked up Jimin in koala style and walked toward their room.

In room Yoongi pushed Jimin on bed and put legs  on his shoulder and placed a kiss on Jimin' thigh.
He pukked out the pants along with Jimin's blue panty drenched with pre-cum.
Yoongi took it in front of his nose and smelled it.
Yg : You smell like flower Jaan. Wanna taste you so bad.
Jm : T-then taste me. Saying that he spread his legs apart putting both legs on eack shoulder.
Yoongi looked over the scene infront of him. The cute small d*ck which is standing proud and the beautiful pink hole leaking white juices.

Yoongi traces his finger over the hold and put it in his mouth and sucked it.
Yg : As imagined...
Yoongi ducked his head down and attached his lips with the hole.
Jm : ahhh ~~~~Hhhhhhh

Yoongi inserted his tongue. Jimin pushed his head backward in pleasure. Yoongi sucked it while looking at Jimin's wracked up looks.
He moved away and pushed his two fingers in one go.
Jm : Ahh~ ah ah ~
Yg : So beautiful. Just let me make you loose enough Jaan to f*ck like no tomorrow.

Soon enough as the time passes Jimin get pressed on bed while Yoongi strted ti f*cl him from behind. Jimin cannot help but just mo@ned like an Omega.

Yoongi hold Jimin's waist and turned him around and again slammed inside him....

And they ended with 4 rounds which causes Jimin to pass out. Of course Yoongi helped him to clean up and fell asleep beside him......

To be continued......

Sprinkle holy water💦💦💦💦💦


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