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We came to the Temple. In Bisan-dong have two temples . One as a Buddhist enthusiast temple and a Hindu Temple which worship Lord Krishna with RadhaRani and her sakhis. From childhood I am the believer if God. I have always been a devotee to Gid because he is the only one who will save me in my every problem.

My life or every human people based on their Karma. If I look back on my past I am a Sinner. I was an asshole. I misunderstood my life, my Love Jungkook with whom I desired to be with for the life time. My ego was much powerful that i didn't understand that i am hurting my own people, those who are around ne and care about me. But now when I want to change I cannot back away from that. I want to live a great life with my family and my Love Jungkook.

We walked out from Buddha Temple . We stepped inside an area which is also under the Hindu Temple. We did our respectful bow to the first Idol of Narayan and his wife Laxmi Devi. We then saw the eternal love idols Krishna and RadhaRani.

I and Jungkook are alone roaming around the temple. I looked at Jungkook who is happily roaming around with beautiful smile .
"Princess are you happy ? " I asked him. He turned around and looked at me with the most beautiful smile.
He smiled and nodded.
"You know Taehyung from childhood I always wanted to have normal life. I don't crave for money, big mansions or anything like fancy. But little care, love and normal life. After my family adopted Sio they started to care about her more. I aspired for their love but I didn't get. My first love betrayed me so I thought maybe I am the problem but then your family came in my life and again they make my heart filled with love. I care for them. I care for everyone. I care for you. " The last words quickly ranged in my ear. I smiled and pulled him in a hug.

"I also care for  you princess. I will always. " His grip tightenes around my waist as well as mine too.
Wish I can stop the time because this moment is so much for me .


After our day trip we came back to our house and changes our outfit into casuals. We decided to cook under the open sky like bonfire . Me, Namjoon hyung , Yoongi hyung and hobi hyung set the woods for bonfire.

Jungkook and Jimin came with some stuffs to cook. Ny eyes fell in Jungkook who is wearing shorts looking so beautiful but also tempting. My sudden heat in body and ny blood rushed to my lower part.

F*ck , only this word flashed in my head. I rubbed ny plam together and again tried to focus in my work. Soon enough we gir seated in our place .

"I wanna make another declaration hope you all are ear to listen me. I want the new couple means Taehyung and Jungkook are sleeping together in a room which the residents decorated fir them. I was not unaware about it but during noontime one of my old known man came and informed they decorated it for newly wed couple. It is bear the river side hope you all have no problem. " She declree and i looked Jungkook who is looking like red desh tomato. I also felt heated and flustered alittle bit. But i am happy I will be with him.


(Slight mature scene ahead warning⚠)

Soon enough a car dropped us i  front of a house which is like beautiful normal house made of wood like treehouse but beautiful.

Jungkook entered into the house first

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Jungkook entered into the house first . The whole house is decorated with beautiful red flower. And an aisle is made with rose petals to enter . Jungkook walked over it I followed him behind.
"It's beautiful right Taehyung? " He turned around to look at me. I swear to my cherished divinity my heart skip to see him. How I got so lucky to have him. I am obsesses with him. He standing there in those beautiful outfit looking like a goddess standing on the aisle to allure me.

(Jungkook outfit)

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(Jungkook outfit)

(Jungkook outfit)

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(Jungkook faceu)

"Yes so much" I said almost like whispered.
Jungkook happily hold ny hand draggee me to bedroom which is also beautiful.
The whole room is decorated beautifully with rodlse oetals and white bedcover. The moonlight came inside through the window which also fell on Jungkook's face while he was busy to admire the room beauty.

I looked over him. My eyes roamed from his upper body to lower body. His milk like white legs looking stunning to me. I cannot help without staring at then. I am going crazy with my mind. I cannot help without imaging insane things in my head.
Jungkook turned around and saw I am looking at him intensely. The room started to feel hot. I can only think about him only him.
"W-what are you starring at? " How cute he is. Isn't he ?
"You princess " I walked toward him he stepped back a little.
"W-why? "
"I cannot help Princess you are looking beautiful, stunning, gorgeous breathtaking , desirable and alluring to me now. You don't what types of things you causes to me think. "
"W-what things? " He looked at me with those big doe eyes like a little kitten. I hold him by waist.
"Wanna know? " He nodded slightly. "Will you be comfortable princess me  doing this things? Tell me princess will you feel comfortable ? " I hold him tightly.

"Y-yes I wi-will " I didn't waste time and slammed my lips with his soft sweet lips and started to kiss him . His lips felt hot and soft. The warmth is giving me so much blessing. I bit his lips and tasted the whole mouth. When I pulled away I saw him breath less, flushed red and eyes moistured looking breathtaking to me.

"Breath princess breath we will not doing it yet still you are getting breathless what will happen when you will get f*cked by me? "

To be continued ;

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