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The Engagement day;
At xxxx Resort :::

The resort is designed by great designers of Seoul .  Jeon family came here in morning. Sio of course also came with Jun. They came first as they are coming from Busan. Sio came here to maje herself jealous.

In the hallroom the family and Kim's are seated to have lunch. Jungkook still didn't came as he went with Jimin to have his nail done.
Halmoni : Taehyung call your Princess please. (Little tease)
Tae : (red cheek) u-uhm okay Halmoni.

Halmoni smiled to see Taehyung red cheeks. Taehyung was about to call when Kang Yangon( Manager) spoke out.

Yangon : Mrs. Kim Young King's wife is here.
(A/n : So let me clear all have some specific names, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jisoo are Elder King, Young King and Beauty. Minjoon and Sowong are Elder Master and star. For Hoseok he is everyone's Sunshine)

All looked at doorway and saw Jungkook with Jimin happily entering with some bag in his hand also in Jimin's hand.
Halmoni : Kookie.
Jk :.Halmoni . Jungkook said and ram to her to hug her who hugged her back.
Taehyung already there stunned to see Jungkook as Jungkook have got spa, full body wax also a new hair cut with new hair color. And it purple with hint of grey in middle. He is wearing simple white long sweater and a baggy jeans. Jungkook is beautiful in black but in this hair colour he is looking cute. Jungkook sat down on chair beside Taehyung who still is eyef***ing him.

Jh : Yaah Tiger stop eye f*cking him

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Jh : Yaah Tiger stop eye f*cking him. (Whisper to Jungkook's ear)
Tae : (came back to reality) I-I am not.
Yoongi also invited and he of course came with Jimin. Both of them seated beside each other.

Sowong : Oppa show me your nails please.
Jisoo : Yes Brother please.
Jk : (blush) oh here.
Jungkook showed them the nails they are simple with cute paints on them.

Jisoo : aww so cute like you

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Jisoo : aww so cute like you. Hyung how are these.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook he toon his hands and caresse them.
Tae : Beautiful for my Beautiful princess.

Jm/Jin /Jh/Js/Sw/Ashii: OHOHOHOHOH!
Jungkook turned into red tomato.
Jk :(whisper) stop being cringe.
Taehyung smiled alittle. Jungkook started eating with a little pout in his mouth.
Tae : What is the reason?
Jk :(pout) for what?
Tae : What is the reason behind this pouting?
Jk : I don't like strawberry milk.
Tae : Then what mill do you like?
Jk : Banana. (Smile)
Tae : okay. Waiter. Please serve Banana milk for my fiancé.

Waiter : Yes Mr. Kim.
Jk : (eyes sparkled) Thank you Taehyung.
Tae :(smile) welcome.

The waiter served the banana milk in 1minute. Jungkook quickly started to drink it as it is his favorite drink.

After lunch Jungkook , Jimin , Ashii, Jin , Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung , Minjoon and Namjoon gathered in Jungkook's room to chill for heavy meal.
Jimin and Jungkook are smiling ear to ear while Taehyung and Yoongi are burning in jealousy.
Tae : Yaah Yoongi hyung why you wife cannot stay away from my wife.
Yg : Should I not ask you the same question Tae?
Tae : whatever.

Ashii : Okay okay done with talking now let's go Jungkook your makeup artist will come at around 5pm . You take some rest We will call you when they will come okay.
Jk : okay.

All left the room except Taehyung who is ordered by Halmoni going to share his room with Jungkook today. Don't misunderstand Halmoni she is just trying to make them together. Staying together can also show impact on their relationship.
Jk : Aren't you going?
Tae : Halmoni told me to stay with you.
Jk: Oh okay.

Jungkook entered into the bathroom. He take a little cold shower and changed his outfit into casual. He came out wearing shorts and top which is little bit big than him. He drank water and lay down on bed. Taehyung and Jungkook have a pillow between them. Taehyung also laid down and fell asleep with Jungkook.

At 4:45pm ,
Taehyung woke up . As when he opened his eyelids his eyes fell on Jungkook who sleeping facing him.
Taehyung cannot lie about the whirlwind in his heart. He knows that slowly slowly this bunny looking boy occupying his place in his heart. And he don't hate it now. He understand whom he was hating thinking that he is the desert but came out out as a field of cherry blossom trees during spring.

Tae : Princess wake up.
Jungkook squinted his eyes alittle and squirmed in his place .
Jungkook looked up and saw Taehyung looking at him with daze eyes.
Tae :.wake up it's 4:45 pm.
Jk : Okay.

Jungkook woke up and sat down with crossed legs. His one eyes is closed while he is looking through another half closed eyes.
Tae : Wake up Princess.
Jk : I am up, I am upp~
Taehyung chuckled and patted Jungkook's head. He got up and left the room.

Jungkook looked at the vanished body. He took a deep breath.
It is not like he hate him but he also cannot trust him. It will take time to change his own mind. He needs time. He have suffered alot. And this person also hurted him before he cannot just forgive him, just in some days for some little care.

To be continued.....

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