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I cannout focus on our trip to Geochang in South Gyeongsang Province. Because if the last night I can only look at my Princess who also even cannot look at me. He is blushing madly. Last night I almost loose my control and take out my f*ck from pant to shove it into that pink, leaking hole but still I controlled myself.

Our meeting with others went well and we stopped in a restaurant which had been serving from the world War II . The food of this restaurant is so tasty. I and Jungkook sat in a corner side away from others . He sat down beside me. Did I mentioned that my princess in looking so beautiful.

(A/n - outfit and styling)

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(A/n - outfit and styling)

"Hyung I have some talk with you " He looked tensed almost frecked out.
"What happened? "I asked with same concern.
" Hyung I think Something happened here about which  Halmoni is tensed.
"What made you think that? " I asked him curiously.
"Hyung Halmoni was cheerful until she came today here and went to her old house. She is tensed and sad about something. " I smiled.
"Okay I will talk to Halmoni today okay and now you eat something or you will get tired " I pat his thigh.
He nidded and started eating.

After eating we both goes to Halmoni room. She was sitting on armchair while looking outside haphazardly. We cannot understand what she is thinking but sure about that she is tensed about something.
"Halmoni? " I call out for her. She jerked off a little and looked at us in the doorway.

"Ow Taehyung, Jungkook come bubs come inside " She sat down perfectly and we sat down beside her on the couch. "What happened Halmoni ? You look kinda sad about something. " Jungkook asked holding her hand.
"If something happen please let us know. We can help you " Halmoni smiled in Jungkook's words.
" Yes something happened" Me Jungkook looked at each other "not now but 52 years ago when I was 20 years old. My Eomma died due to blood cancer and appa decided to marry someone to give my motherly affection. He married Jiyana my step mom who also had son Eunsol. She never accepted me as her daughter but she bullied me. Beat me . Appa was not aware about it but one day when I suddenly got hospitalized for sudden fainting in bathroom they came to know I was poisioned. Someone tried to kill me. After many tests and examination we came to know that Ny step mother tried to kill me. Appa kiched then out of our house. " She jolted up as she came out from her bad past moment.
"Eunsol was 18 and he hated me too. He just said that he will come back on the right moment he will come bck to kill me and my happiness  . Somehow I am scared maybe the time has come already Taehyung ah. Bub I want you to promise me something " Halmoni hold ny both hands I too tightly hold then back.
"Maybe I have few days left to live bub. I can sense that something big going to happen. I want you both to be always the shield fir the Kim family and save them. Promise me you both will. " I looked at Jungkook who is now crying . I also cannot hold my tears anymore. I love ny Halmoni and talking like this causing a pain in my chest. I feel like a heavy feeling in taking over ny heart. I cannot express what I am feeling. The tears flowing down my cheeks continuously.
"Nothing will happen to you Halmoni we will not let something happen promise. " Jungkook Hugged Halmoni and me too. We stayed hugged with each other for long time and soon the time passed away which is also not in our hand......

To be continued.....

Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you all will like it.

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