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Jungkook came to café and ordered a glass of iced Americano and for him a grapefruit ade with sprinkle water and ice. He was about to leave when his phone rang . Thank to god that he have the cup holder with him that the café owner gave with the drinks.

He looked at the screen and it is Lisa his bestie.
Jk : Hey Lizard ~
Ls : Hey Bunny how are you?
Jk : We talked last night how do you think I am supposed to be?
Ls : Delusional hahahahaha.
Jk : Shut up. What happened?
Ls : I was saying when the engagement?
Jk :Why lizard?
Ls : Haven't got any invitation for wedding buffet and I am craving for Wedding foods. So that's why I am going to eat in engagement party.
Jk : I don't know today my family is coming then the date will be fixed.
Ls : Ohohohohohohohohohohoh! Getting married huh! Well if you want I can supply the c*ndoms.
Jk : I am not that much h*rny b*tch.
Ls : Yes you are you have a d**do in your house just 10 inch maybe.
Jk : Well it's just hormonal orgasms.
Ls : Well last week I slept with a girl she was awesome.
Jk : Stop providing me information about your sexual night.
Ls : So how long you are not going to get f*cked. It's been 2 years.
Jk : My d**do is enough. Thank you. I am already feeling angry don't make me more angry.
Ls :Why what happened?
Jk : Actually when I came to office that time............................................................... And I angrily came to café. Understand.
Ls : Okay did he hit his head somewhere?
Jk : I was not with him Lizard.
Ls : ok I think he is jealous. I think he loves you.
Jk : Waah waah waah Lalisa Manoban You are great. All the beautiful girls and boys have died in Korea that he want to marry me. And moreover he don't have any quality to be my lover.
Ls : So what quality do you prefer in someone.
Jk : Nothing just have to be loyal, kind and trustworthy. That's it.
Ls : I don't know but my 69th sense is saying you will fall for him. Or you will never be in love in future.
Jk : Oh shut up Manoban.
Ls : Okay bye I wanna search for that girl bye hoe.
Jk : Bye b*tch.

Jungkook //
I cut the phone entered into the office when I bumped into again. F*ck my life why always I bump into someone. I looked up and saw it is my younger sister or better say my biggest enemy in the face of sister Sio.

Jk : You?
Sio : I am here as my husband came here to give his business partner our engagement pasrt invitation.
Jk : Great that's a good news. All the best for the new life.
Sio : Thank you for good wishing but I think it is not from your heart as because I snatched away your lover and now he is mine. Badluck he never loved you but now he is with me.
Jk : Worse things are not meant to be bound with me. I am happy for you really. Actually bad pairs with bad. You are bad and he is too so you both are great pair of couple. By the way I am getting late bye. Hope never see you again.
Sio : You are jealous.
Jk : The person who was never mine why I will feel jealous for that person. I do not care.

Author //
Jungkook said and left from there and Jun was standing a few distance away saw Jungkook left. He don't even feel the same smile in Jungkook' face. He knows he did with Jungkook was wrong and he still guilty for that . They were in relationship for 5 years and suddenly he got attracted to Sio who maybe seduced him. 2 years ago they broke up. And now here he again saw him after 2 year.
Jun : You haven't changed. You weren't wrong I was the one. I am sorry. I am sorry Koo.

Jungkook ran out from there to the hallway the floor of Taehyung' cabin. He hold his chest and the tears flowed down from his cheeks.
Other hand Taehyung came out to hallway after meeting Jun he was about to walk toward his room when he saw Jungkook's figure . He looked more clearly that Jungkook is crying holding his chest. His back is facing him.
He moved more close to hear him clearly.

Jungkook sat down holding his knees and started to cry muffled sound . The pain that he is hiding from other for 2year.
He harshly rubbed his face with his fisted palm.
Jk : It's hurt, It's hurt to see you with my sister not with me Jun. I tried, tried hard to forget you b-but the pain eating me slowly. I loved you but you cheated on me with my sister. Was it too hard for you to love me. I hate you Kang Jun, I hate you for leaving all scattered into pieces. Now you are happy with her and I finally lost all trust from love.

Jungkook continued to cry without looking at anyside well no one were there except Taehyung. He heard everything what Jungkook screamed. And now he felt sad for the poor soul who suffered this much. He understand that Kang Jun with whom he met some time ago for his engagement invitation purpose is the ex of Jungkook and his fiancé is Jungkook' Sister . Poor soul totally heart broken for a bastered.
Tae : I promise I will bring back the trust Jungkook. I promise. I will try my best.

Taehyung said in his mind while watching Jungkook crying from his heart out. Taehyung didn't stopped him as he knows how tears help people to feel relaxed.

To be continued....

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