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Jungkook woke up around 6pm . He got up from bed and walked inside the bathroom. He stripped down his clothes and took the shower. He used the fragrant bodywash.

Last night after the talk with others he thought for many long time. They don't know that Jungkook is not Virgin anymore because he gave his everything to someone who betrayed him. Jungkook know that he was dumb enough to not understand or know a person perfectly. If again someone talks about it he will tell them about his past. A relationship or a family cannot built up with lies.

It is not lie but his personal life. Taehyung himself is not like innocent. Jungkook did research in college life Taehyung had relationship with a girl named So-ya. And he have spend his night with her. After she cheated on him, he never looked back on her.

Whatever virgin, Non-virgin arejust some tag. Love, trust and bonding matters over everything.
Jungkook changed his outfit. And wore the suit.
He came outside and walked down to downstairs .
He saw everyone are busy to talk in dinning table. He stepped toward them and sat down in his seat.

Taehyung also came downstairs after him and sat down besode him.
Halmoni : Please all start eating.

After breakfast Jungkook and Taehyung left for office. Jungkook entered into the office while all staffs are waiting outside if yeh office to greet Jungkook and Taehyung.

Staff 1 : Hello Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim.
Staff 2 : Hello. This bouquet is for you Mrs. Kim.
Jk: Why is this for? I am still a worker here. You don't need to call me like this.

Jungkook smield take the flower bouquet from her. Taehyung wrapped his hand around Jungkook' waist which make Jungkook flinch a little. And dragged him to his cabin.

In room ;
Jk : Yaah Mr. Kim why you took me here?
Tae : Oh princess they were causing a lot of chaos.
Jungkook moved away from Taehyung' grip.
Jk : What do you want? Jungkook said with both hands crossed.
Taehyung took deep breath and hold Jungkook' hand.
Tae : Had Halmoni talk to to you about our wedding?
Jk : no.
Tae : Okay so today morning Halmoni call me around 5:30 am and I went to her room. She told me that she don't wanna wait any longer and decided that 2 weeks after the wedding will held in xxxx resort.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung for some time and then looked down.
Jk : I have no problem.
Tae: Are you sure?
Jk : Hmm. But Taehyung I want you to know about me before you marry me.
Tae : I know everything.
Jk : But you don't know that I am not pure anymore.
Tae : Pure?
Jk : Last night Jisoo was saying about our honeymoon place. I mean Joking around. I-I  wanna say that I am not Virgin anymore. Will you still marry me?
Tae : What is point of Virginity in our wedding. I am also not Virgin. I had 2 to 3 hookups in my past during college. Well it doesn't matter.
Jk : Hmm.
Tae : Maybe I am not your first but, if I take you , or claim you as mine I promise I will be your last Princess. I will not let you go Princess.
Jk : Ain't gonna happen. Bye.

Jungkook was about to leave but Taehyung hold his hand loacked him in between his grip and snuggled his nose in the crook of Jungkook's neck inhaling the sweet scent of Jungkook.

Tae : You know princess you look so beautiful when you blush.
Jk: Yaah leave me.
Tae : No. You are my Fiancé, cannot I do romance with my finacé?
Jk : Taehyung we have meeting to attend please.
Tae : Okay But tell me truth will you give chance to this marriage ?
Jk : Will you treat me well?
Tae : I will.
Jungkook turned around and face Taehyung.
Jk: Taehyung I have suffered alot. The heart of mine had broken for many time.

Tae :(soft smile) Princess you have been fighting for so long now give chance to me and take rest I will not break your faith or trust. I promise.

Taehyung said and placed a peck on Jungkook's head.
Tae : (mind) I am here for you don't worry. Just relax.

Jk : Okay let's go Mr. Dupont is waiting.

Tae : Okay. Taehyung said and picked up Jungkook in bridal style.
Jk : Yaah put me down everyone will see us.
Tae : I don't care Princess.

Taehyung took Jungkook to meeting room in bridal style while everyone were cooing over the cute giggling couple.

But the happiness is not meant for forever. Life don't have the smoother way to go but a rough thorny way.

To be continued......

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