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Jungkook came to Taehyung cabin who is checking some files.
Jk : Mr. Kim You have to go to meet the CEO of Cartier.
Tae : Ok. I will be leaving soon. And Jeon I have some talk with you.
Jk : Yes.
Tae : Your wh*ring nature is not allowed here Jeon.
Jk : (smile) My which nature presented as wh*ring to you Mr. Kim.
Tae : You were flirting with the Mr. Ivan back in the meeting room.
Jk : Mr. Kim I think it is called manner when someone praise your beauty and you just thank them for their expression toward you. That is what happen with me. Mr. Ivan said I am beautiful and I just said Thank you. That's a normal conversation. I hope it will not cause any problem in our company.

Taehyung poked his tongue in inner cheek and He just noddesd.
Jungkook smiled and left the room.

After checking files Taehyung and Jungkook left for Cartier.
There The CEO talked to Taehyung and they told Tae for some shoot.
Taehyung obviously agreed. And they did the makeup for Taehyung for sone sudden photoshoot.

After clicking the photos Taehyung sat down in the chair of makeup room for refreshment.
Jungkook entered with a cup of hot lemon tea.
Jk : Mr. Kim here is it for you.
Tae : Thank you. What the picture they clicked.

Jk : this.
Jungkook showed two picture that Cartier post in twitter.

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"The best man for Cartier "

Posted 30 minutes ago......

Taehyung smiled to see the outcome. He looked at Jungkook who is busy to talk with some of random girl who is pinching his cheek.
Tae : (mind) Attention seeker.

Girl :Oww how cute you are. Where is you boyfriend bunny boy?
Jk : I don't have any.
Girl : Do you like Taehyung?
Jk : Him... He is not my type. He have no point to be my boyfriend.

Taehyung who's ears were perked up to hear Jungkook heard everything and felt someone just crushed his pride underfoot.

Tae : I hope somehow I can show your place Jeon. You think I am not your type right now I will make you feel the whole course jungle in your stomach. You will crave for me. I promise.

In car toward XXX café ›››

In car Taehyung is looking outside while Jungkook is also looking outside.
Tae : Have Jimin already reached there?
Jk : Yes Mr. Kim. Mr. Park called me and he told he ordered your favorite strawberry shake with strawberry cake .
Tae : okay so you will leave after dropping me there.
Jk : Yes Mr. Kim. I have those files to complete.
Tae : okay.

After Jungkook dropped Taehyung in front of café. He also booked a cab and left for home.

Taehyung entered into café where he saw his beautiful bestie Park Jimin sitting in a certain chair and a blank chair is there beside him probably for him.

Tae sat down beside Jimin who got startled a little bit

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Tae sat down beside Jimin who got startled a little bit.
Jm : Bear you will cause me to death one day. Come and sit like a human not like an alien.
Tae : Shut up Chimmy.
Jm : Why so angry? Again Jungkook.
Tae : I cannot tolerate him near me.
Jm : Why? Because he didn't fall for your so called charm.
Tae : He just hit my inner self.
Jm : Yeah Yeah the so called self ego.
Tae : Chimmy!

Jimin laughed as Taehyung looked at him with pout.
Jm : Tae you know he is a great person who really understand you every time.
Tae : Stop. So how was the date your soon to be husband.
Jm : Husband! He didn't even looked at me. I know it is an arrange marriage but at least I am trying to but he just a rough cold ice.

Tae : Chimmy I know it is hard but please don't be sad. I hope Yoongi hyung will surely understand you.
Jm : Hope so. Leave this let's talk about you.
Tae : What about me? Halmoni informed me today she will choose my wife or husband in 2 weeks.
Jm : That's great news.
Tae : Not great. I have no interest in anyone.
Jm : we will see it later. When Halmoni will choose an angel for you. I swear you will be the one who will fell in love in first.

Taehyung rolled his eyes when Jimin just laughed. They continue to talk.

To be continued......

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