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Taehyung ;
"Ꮤhat? How it happened? " The sweatdroplets brimmed to my lock of hair.
I put the phone down when Jungkook entered with that girl and two policeman holding her. 10 minutes ago the police found out Yuna was selling outle company information to someone which still unknown but before the information was sold the police men caught him and now they caught her. I will always be thankful to my Princess for telling me everything and Felix for helping me in this.

"Princess come here " I called for Jungkook and he walked towards me.
"What happened Hubby? "
"Halmoni is missing."
"What? When? How? "
"When she went to meet the oldage house when came out from the car abalck car stopped by and kidnapped her. The driver in now hospital because the men in car shoot him also the manager is missing too. Maybe also kidnapped him. "
I can feel Him shaking due to fear . I hold him and pulled closer to me. His hands hold my waist  .
"What we will do now we have to save her Hubby. She is alone there. "
"We will Princess, we will " I started caresse his back while assuring that everything will be fine.

"What do you think She will be alive? No never " Yuna screamed out. I looked at her. I walked towards her and gave her a tight slap.
"Where is my halmoni? Tell me or if I find out I will kill that person like a devil. He or she whoever is it will know the real meaning of death. If you still want a normal end of it. "

"I will never tell you Kim never " Yuna said as she looked at me like a maniac.
"Kill her and left no trace of her body. And officer I have already talk to Felix he gave me the rights to kill them. So don't need to worry and I will handle everything. So you both just need to keep your mouth off " The officer shut their mouth. I looked at my men and they hold Yuna.

"I am not Kim Taehyung for name. I might be a silent person but I know when I need to show my real devil face " I said to Yuna and left with Jungkook.

Coming back home I saw all are crying while I and Jungkook stayed silent because we knew it can happen when Halmoni told us about her past but still miss it and Now Halmoni is missing.

"Taehyung do something and find Halmoni out we have to do something "
I nodded. When the manager of Halmoni entered into the room.
"Mr. Yangon if you are here Halmoni? Where is Halmoni? " Jin hyung asked.
"When they kidnapped us they also kidnapped me but they left me saying that I hve to inform you all and they told ma to take you there. " My eyesbrows cocked up.
"What? "
"Ok we will go "
"Wait " Jungkook stopped them.
"No need all of us cannot go there. Because it will be risk for everyone. Namjoon hyung , Hobi hyung, Minjoon hyung and Hubby you all are going and I , Ashii and Jin hyung will go there not others call Yoongi hyung to join us he have skills to shoot good "
"I love this plan " Namjoon hyung said as all agreed.
I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead. He knows that how to handle situation.

"Hubby" I head Jungkook whispered near my ear.
"Hubby he is also culprit I can feel it . Don't believe him. Tell others too also we have to make him unconscious" I looked at Jungkook shocked eyes. Why he is suspecting Yangon I don't know but I have pure believe on him. I nodded.

We left for the place as Yangon informed us. I informed everyone about Jungkook's suspension. I also felt little changing of talking style in Yangon.

We reached the place when we saw it is a dirty old place almost destroyed. we all have gun I Make Jungkook's gun license after our engagement. We entered into the dark room where I saw Halmoni is tied up in a chair while she is unconscious. Yangon still don't we bring gun with us because we didn't take it out .

"Halmoni " Namjoon called out. We ran to her but we saw bruise and blood oozing out from her mouth.
"H-Halmoni " Jin hyung and other cried out. I stayed strong. I nd Namjoon hyung didn't cried. We always saw her strong but today after seeing her in this situation I feel like someone broke my heart into million pieces.

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