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My hands gripped his boobies like chest and my dick entered his h*le again. The hot core of his causing me to go insane. Insane like to f*ck him senselessly. I don't know which round it is but the only thing I know is he feels devine.

"F*ck baby you are still so tight my whole night work didn't make your hole big enough. Want to get f**ked for the whole week Princess? " My voice is calm but the the pleasure is making it difficult.

"Y-yes hubby wanna get f**ked pl-please ! D-don't stop " God his voice is so sweet a beautiful ringing song in my ear.

"Ahh it's hot uhmm~ i feel like burning " He screamed out.
I picked him up like koala and my dick entered again inside his hole.
"Let's cool up " I came down to dining room and opened the refrigerator.
I took out the ice box and picked up an ice cube.

I pushed it in his hole. His hands clutched my biceps.
"W-what are you d-doing? " His voce trembled as I pushed the icecube further.
"Cooling you up Princess. " I husked near his ear and pushed my shaft again inside me.

"Ahhhhh~ " He screamed near my ear and I swear it is the most sexy scream I have ever heard. I wanna hear it again and again. I hold him tightly and penetrate again and again hitting his knot. I can see he is feeling the extreme pleasure when my d*ck is touching his womb.

"Can you feel my dick bulging inside your belly. Huh! See bubba touch it feel me here " I hold his hand and make him touch his own belly to feel me.

"I wanna c-come hubby h-hubby I wanna " He pleading are adorable.
"Come baby as much as you want. " I sped up when his started to cum and squirted out in pleasure.

I took out my dick when he collapsed in my arm. I picked him up in bridal style and took him in our room. After placing him on bed and tucking the blanket over him I entered into bathroom. The cold water of shower flashs away the cum . I came out wrapping a towel around ny torso.

Jungkook is sleeping I cleaned him up and laid down beside him. After our love making we are two body one soul. I know he was for me but now he is mine only mine. Only I can touch him and only I can love him. If someone tried to lay a finger on baby's flesh I will not think twich to rip apart the body of that person. .


2 weeks later :

"Please check the files for me Princess before the lunch okay! " I said tugging the hair of Jungkook long hair behind his ear. He is now sitting on my lap checking sone files which I signed.

Last 2 weeks were so great we spend our night in bed cuddling or making love. He cuddled me like a baby while I was caressing his back.

"Hubby I have something to tell you. " My thoughts got interrupted when I looked at him befuddled.
"What is it Princess? " He put down the file and looked at me.
"Something is wrong in company. That new girl Yuna looks suspicious. "
"Why "
"2 days ago I sw whim talking on phone a d she said very soon the company will see it's fall. Which company she was talking about? It was first thought but when I asked her what she is talking about she said she talking about private things and today again I saw her using a pendrive giving someone. Hubby I think she is selling our company information. I tried to say her what is happening but she didn't even gave damn answer. Hubby do something " His hands clitched to my collar of shirt. I pulled him closer.

"Don't worry Princess that you for telling ne this when it happened? "
"It's been 20 minutes when the incident happened. "
"Ok let me call someone who can definitely take care of it. " I picked up the phone and dialed the police chief Felix Yongbok Lee. He always been a trustworthy person to me.

"Hello Taehyung hyung . How are you? "
"I am fine Felix I need your help so called you all of a sudden. "
"It's okay hyung tell me what happened? "
I told him everything that Jungkook told me.
"Just give 10bminutes i will make the culprit on his knees in front of you. "
"Thank you Felix thank you very much "

I cut the call.
"Now the real game will began "

To be continued.......

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