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After I announced that I don't have problem with this marriage all became songappy. Halmoni hugged me Ashii came and sit down beside me and hugged me. They are happy because I am going to marry Taehyung.
"I am so happy Jungkookah, I hope we will be able to make a great brother in law group right Jinnie Hyung? Ashii said with a bright smile in his face and I just look at nothing but my misery.

I didn't consult with Appa, neither Eomma. I thought that I will not agree for this married but then after meeting ny past it pushed me Or better say forced me to choose this path. I know it is not a better option but it is the better way instead of dying with everyday pain and misery and burning feelings. I have still those unpretentious feelings that will surely kill me soon if I don't try to do choose any other way.

Taehyung don't like me and I know that 1 year later he will surely give me divorce. I don't know what is my future but for present it is the best idea I know. Halmoni talked to others while I am still in my thoughts when Infelt someone called me and it is my b*tchy sister Sio.
"Oppa I missed you can I have a little talk with you." She tried to make it sound cute but I know what conspiracy is underneath her words.
"Hmm" I just hummed because I know I cannot react here. I got up and walked out of the mansion while she also followed me behind. Outside of the mansion I stopped and she stood up in front of me.
"What do you want? " I asked keeping my calmness in my voice.
"When this made up? " She asked looking at me with her angry eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"You are not supposed to marry him. He is rich and moreover where is you love flewaway huh! How you can move on so easily. "
"Excuse me . Are you really out of your mind. Do you even know what are talking , what words are coming out from your mouth. Are you literally gone insane? Don't be that jealous. You at first seduced him and just to win from me you slept with him now when I am trying to move on again your saying rubishes. What do you think you are huh? You are only one who will get every happiness right? What are you an attention seeker? What I have done that I am supposed to suffer only? Please get out of my life. " I spat out my inner feeling on her which I think didn't even make weak her building of pride inside her heart.

"You think I love Jun. Aniya ~ I snatched away from you because I cannot tolerate your happiness. You are just a gay s**t a sl*t. Huh! And you are going marry that handsome man even this rich. I am not going to let it happen dear. What if I snatch Taehyung from you? All men in this world are same. One night and he will be mine forever. " She said like a maniac.

"What is your problem sio? Although I know it is not only jealousy? "I asked with straight face.
"You know me very well Oppa. The anger because I got abandoned by my own parents and just treated like shit by them and Jwn I saw you parents how they treat you like prince then I thought what if I also make feel abandoned " She smiled.

" You proved that any way an abandoned baby don't deserves to be in a family because it don't even know the meaning of family my parents with me too we accepted as you our family. Specifically me who was happy because I thought that finally I am going get a sister but you proved me worng . A bloodless relationship cannot be pure like normal Sisterbrother relationship you are selfish and attention seeker. I have lost my words to talk to you Sio. You are useless to me. Nothing you are nothing to me. Do whatever you want." I said without looking at her because I know I don't have that mich energy.

Author //

Jungkook and Sio both were talking unaware that Taehyung was standing a few steps away from them listened them. He now understand the whole conversation.
Tae : (mind) let me play my role. Ms. Sio you don't have any idea what I can do.

Tae : Princess!

Both of them looked at him.
Jk : Mr. Kim?
Tae : Princess I was searching for you everywhere. Come here.
Jk : (shocked)
Tae : Come to me princess.
Jungkook walked to Taehyung who wrapped his hand around his waist.
Tae : Ms. Sio hope you don't have further talks with my fiancé. So I am talking him with me.

Before sio could say anything Taehyung left form there with Jungkook.

Sio : (mind) I will never let you happy Jungkook never. (Smirk)

To be continued.......

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