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Jungkook got up from his deep sleep by the disturbance of Sunlight. He pinched his eyes in annoyance and opened his eyes with a yawn. He felt a tight grip in his eaist and saw Taehyung who is sleeping with hugging him tightly. Tae's head is in his chest .

Jk : Had he slept like this the whole night?
Jungkook removed the bangs from eyes of Tae and looked a cute pout in Taehyung lips.
Jk : Is he a baby? Why so cute? (Mind)
Jungkook tried to move but Taehyung groaned in his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook keeping his chin on Jungkook's chest.
Tae : Why are you not letting me sleep Princess?
Jk: I am not disturbing you Taehyung just leave me so I can take shower.
Tae : Nuuu~ you will also sleep with me. You are the reason I got a peaceful sleep.
Jk : Why so straightforward Mr. Kim?
Tae : I like being straightforward Mrs. Kim.

Jk : Okay now get up.
Tae : what is reason for rushing? We can sleep all day here.
Jk : stop being Lazy Taehyung.
Tae : Laziness can give me immense pleasure Princess.
Jk : You are wasting time Taehyung.
Tae : Then make worth it Princess.
Jk : Are you perhaps trying to flirt with me Mr. Kim.
Tae : from past 30 minutes thank you for noticing Princess.

Jungkook smiled he pushed Taehyung and got up and ran inside bathroom.
Tae : Yaahh don't please. (Pout)
Jk : Go and take bath Mr. Kim or I ain't gonna talk with you.

Taehyung quickly rab to the guest room to take shower.
Time skips.......

The couple did their breakfast and changed into formal outfit and left for Kim Mansion.

(Taehyung outfit )

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(Taehyung outfit )

(Taehyung outfit )

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(Jungkook outfit)

Time skips,

Jungkook ◖◗  
Our car stopped in front of Kim Mansion. A bodyguard opened the door behalf of me. I came out and got aatonished by the beauty of Kim mansion which I always get.

Taehyung came baside me hold my waist. A rush of electricity I felt in my body. His touch making ne weaker slowly and I don't what is the end of it.
" Can we Princess? " He asked for my consent which I accept with nod.
He put his hand around my waist and dragged me with him.

When I entered I saw all are here waiting for me. Ashii and Jin hyung came to me and hold my hand to drag me with them.
"I hope you got good sleep Jungkook " Jin exclaimed.
"Yes I had good sleep last night " I said breaking their expectations.
"Jinjja" Ashii asked with widened eyes. I cannot help but laughed.

I walked to Halmoni and sat down beside her.
"I missed you Kook, did my money headed grandson irritated you in anyway? " Halmoni put her hand on my head and pat alittle.
"That's not fair I am your own grandson " Taehyung pouted in anger.

" He is caring, Halmoni " I said looking down . I know very well my cheeks are now red due to embarrassment.
"Ohhhhh " I heard Jin, Ashii and Jisoo Hoseokie hyung screamed.

"Ok ok Kook before you headed to your new room I want to say that we have some traditional rules to follow after marriage." I nodded. "So after marriage the couple need to go our village temple to take the blessings from the god. So we will also go there tomorrow and stay there for 3 to 4 days okay. "
"Okay Halmoni " I smiled and she smiled back.
" Okay so all these old teenager take him to Bear's room. All have tight sleep tonight and we will left for Daegu at 8 am okay and Myung hee come to my room. Lunch is going to make with my direction. "

Halmonj said and get up to leave for room. I also left with other s to go to the room.

The room is big, beautiful a d filled with Taehyung's some pic. Also now added our wedding picture. I entered and saw the whole room is decorated with elegant and eyetaking furnitures.

"So we are leaving. Have fun new love birds. " Jin said left with others leaving the door closed.

In the whole room we both are all alone . The room is huge but it seemed to small to me. Taehyung walked to me and backhugged and put his chin on my shoulder.
"What happened princess? " Taehyung's deep voice is really my weakness. A shaky breathe left my lips.

"Nothing" I am barely audible . He touch jolted me up and in my lower region I felt a sudden heat. I crossed my legs a little closer.

"I changes the whole interior fir you princess " I turned around and looked at him. His dark yet deep ocean like eyes met mine . He pulled me more close to him.
"W-why? " F*ck this stuttering.
"Because I wanted to make my wife, my princess more comfortable in this room with me " His lips almost touch mine .

"Why do you care if I like it or not ? "
He got silent fir some second and smiled.
"Because your happiness is mine happiness Princess. And thay is why I care. " His lips fanned my lips. I gulped down a lump of saliva through my oral grand.

And we looked at each other deeply, intensely while he leaned toward me. And his lips met mine. The whole stomach of mine felt empty I felt immense pleasure in my body.

To be continued.......

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