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Taehyung was sitting outside on a couch. While  checking his watch. The outfit he specially bought for Jungkook.
Finally he heard the door opening sound and Taehyung looked up to see Jungkook . And of course as he thought Jungkook is looking beautiful, stunning and ethereal.

Jk :.Are you done looking at me Mr. Kim?
Taehyung smiled and moved toward Jungkook. He moved until he wrapped hisnhnd around Jungkook's hourglass waist with his hand and pulled him closer.
Jk : What are you doing Mr. Kim?
Tae : Stop calling me Mr. Kim princess. (Deep voice)
Jk : So what I will call you? Hubby?
Tae :.Not bad .
Jk :.Not going to happen.
Tae : Please don't call me Mr. Kim. Please.
Jk: Okay okay! Stop only Taehyung that's it.
Taehyung smiled and nodded happily.
Tae : Let's go now.

Jungkook sighed and nodded . They both left for the party.

In party »

In party all guests already appeared anf busy to chitchat about their daily business things.
When Taehyung entered with Jungkook . All attention went to them. The cameras, the businessmen and all are busy to look only at Taehyung and Jungkook . Because both of them are giving power couple vibe.

Jk : Why the h*ck all are looking at us?
Tae : Because we are the attention. Let's go princess.
Jungkook nodded a little. Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist and dragged him toward the newly enaged couple.

Jun and Sio both are busy to take sone gift from some guests. Taehyung and Jungkook walked toward them . Both of them didn't noticed them at first but when they saw it is Taehyung and Jungkook that shocked them so much.

Tae : Mr. Kang here this beautiful platinum necklace and two special rings from me and my fiancé Jeon Jungkook.
Jun : Fiancé?
Tae : Sio might have not told about it. She was there on that day when our marriage got fixed. Right Sio.
Sio: Y-yes.
Jun looked at Sio with shocked eyes.
Jun : You didn't even told me Sio?
Tae : So Princess greet him. They are the new couple .
Jk : (nodded) Congratulations Mr. Kang for going to start a new life. I wish you both get all happiness.

Tae : Let's go princess. Taehyung dragged Jungkook with him.

Jun :(mind) So finally you moved on. Wow. Yes that's good I was wrong when I thought that you cannot move on from me. How dumb I was? It was what I deserve? I did wrong and i am suffering now.


Jk : I wanna leave please. Jungkook said looking at Taehyung who is busy to talk with someone.
Tae: Now, okay let's leave.
Jk :.Please.(cracked voice)

Taehyung agreed and took him out of the party venue.

In car »

Taehyung is driving the car while Jungkook is looking out of the window.
He is not sad but a pain always there inside his heart. He wanna move on but cannot do because he still have those memories.
Tae : Princess.
Jk : hmm.
Tae : You know I have a piece of advice for you.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung with questionable eyes.
Jk : What?
Tae : "A person cannot move on if he thinks only about past. He can never achieve the bright future that is still waiting for the person. If you want it forget the past and walk away"
Jk : (Smile) Thank you for the advice Mr. Kim.

Tae: Again Mr. Kim that' not good. (Pout)
Jk :(laugh) you are stubborn you know that.
Tae : What ever call me Taehyung that' it.
Jk :.Ok Taehyung . Okay.
Tae :.Okhai ~

Jungkook shook his head for Taehyung' childishness and both of them drove to Jungkook's apartment.


Time skips to 1day later ;

Today Taehyung and Jungkook needed to go for shopping for engagement. Jungkook didn't agreed but still with force of Ashii, Jimin and Jin he agreed.
Jisoo and Sowong , Hoseok are with Taehyung . Tae still angry with the matter that Jungkook will not be with him for 2 hours but they have to buy rings together.

Jk : What color I should choose?
ashii : What about lavender ? Taehyung is going to wear white .
Jk :ok let's see.
After spending 40 minutes.
Jk :.I will byu white too. I like it.
Jin : Okay as you wish. Both you have good choice.
Jk '. what he have choosed.
Jin showed him the phone. Jungkook blushed as the outfit of Taehyung is really beautiful.

After the shopping they went to ring store.
Tae : Your dress is beautiful princess. Your choice is so good.
Jk : Thanks.

Then they choosed the ring whick also looking so beautiful and the day ended with lots shopping, fun and laughter.

To be continued........

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