15 • Unpredictable Meetings

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I hadn't talked to Professor Snape in over a week. It seemed to bother him a little, as his eyes was on me often enough. The punishment most definitely lingering in his mind, and not because he was afraid — but quite the opposite.

He enjoyed being dominated. I had figured as much. It could only mean he was tired of authority and being in charge all the time. Or perhaps he wasn't tired of it at all, he just didn't have the balls to flip things around. It didn't matter to me, anyway.

My plan was to surprise him. Partly because that would entertain me, and partly because I still had not figured what to do to him. I had enjoyed that moment in the cupboard, but an order is an order, and a threat is a threat.

I had to keep my promise.

A good thing about it was that he hadn't called me out in class lately. Probably just satisfied that I kept my end of the deal by showing up at all.

He hadn't even mentioned the fact that I had not helped him store the potions as planned. I didn't show and he didn't send for me. Probably just a mutual understanding that we needed some space.

I had noticed, however, that the professor had been wearing a turtle neck beneath his cassock. I could only imagine the green spots having travelled further up from the column of his neck. And it had made me smirk a couple of times, as the idea of the professor hiding what was basically equal to hickeys was honestly hilarious.


The weather had truly began getting colder, but it didn't stop me from using every free moment to slip outside into the courtyard for a while. Instead of my usual spot, I had decided to sit by the fountain on one of the benches. My last class had been in the astronomy tower and my legs simply couldn't take any more. Unless I really had to.

I used my wand to ignite my cigarette and watched as the fire ate away at the flimsy paper. As I put it between my lips to inhale, I was greeted by Blaise, much to my own surprise.

«We need to talk», he murmured and sat unexpectedly close. His heat radiated onto me and it wasn't entirely unwelcome. I was freezing.

I exhaled and watched as it blended with the smoke that coiled from the toxic thing, burning my eyes as it wafted into my face.

«Why?», I asked and waved the smoke away.

He chewed on his bottom lip and hesitated. I impatiently rolled my eyes.

«I miss you», he finally admitted, making me cough as I'd just inhaled smoke into my lungs.

«So the dog returns with his tail between his legs», I mused, keeping my eyes focused on the burning orange glow at the end of my cigarette. «We talked about this. It seems you want more than what I am able to give, Blaise. Do you need it written down on a piece of parchment to remember?», I asked and tapped my finger against the toxic thing and watched as pieces of burnt paper and tobacco fell to the ground.

Blaise frowned and let out a sigh, «I mean as friends. I miss talking to you. It's exhausting to avoid you», he said.

I laughed at that and shook my head in disbelief, «no one asked you to».

«Can't we just go back to the way things were... without the... you know», he suggested and snapped the cigarette from my hand, and proceeded to inhale its fumes.

I crossed my legs and held out my hand for him to give it back immediately, «sure. Is this because of that new girl?»

As expected he looked at me completely gobsmacked by that. «How did you know?», he asked in a whisper, as if the nearby owls (who were the only ones there besides us I'd have you know) would take notes and let everybody else know of his romantic life.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now