12 • Dragon Pox

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So I had failed.

I didn't ignore him like planned and I didn't refuse his help. But he had basically bowed to me in that moment. A truly vulnerable one at that. Anyone could have walked out into that courtyard and seen us. Heard us. But he showed his submission, and I had to admit that it was attractive as all hell.

However, alcohol still ran through my veins. I wasn't about to shag him. That wouldn't have been right. But I said I'd let him help, like he'd offered.

So we walked side by side towards the dungeons in silence. All I could hear was his heavy breathing, which I figured had been caused by the scene outside just earlier. It made my lips curl into a smirk for a second, but I made sure to wipe it away — lest I draw attention.

«Sit», Snape ordered quietly as we'd entered his office. I didn't fight it and found the seat next to his desk. While he was gathering his supplies, or finding the right potion, I began spinning in the chair aimlessly.

«Must you do that?», he asked me as he approached me after having reentered the room from his private storage.

«I mustn't do anything», I shrugged my shoulders as I stopped and looked up at him, «I just do what I feel like».

Snape didn't reply, instead he carefully placed several vials, flasks and jars down onto the desk and I raised an eyebrow curiously.

«Can't you just use magic?», I asked, but again there was no reply, which made me chuckle. «Is this just an excuse to touch me?». But by the end of my sentence I winced as he pressed a cloth that was drenched in an unknown liquid to my forehead, and it caused it to sting. «Hey», I hissed.

«Leonie, how are you so blithe and careless?», the professor asked all of a sudden. I huffed and shoved his hand away, along with whatever it was that he was pressing against my wound.

Looking at him angrily, I stood up from my seat, «you have no idea what you're talking about».

Snape sighed and put the supplies down, «you don't listen».

My head began boiling then, along with the pulsing headache that had already started to beat me up. Perhaps spinning in the chair hadn't been such a good idea. «You're the one who doesn't listen», I replied.

«Your future depends on your-»

«Why does it matter?», I yelled, «it's my future — why does it matter to everybody? Let me do what I want. It won't hurt any of you».

«Did you and Zabini-»

«What do you want? What is this really about? My future or my sex-life? Why are we even mixing things up?»

Snape was quiet for a moment. «Minerva told me she is concerned, I am merely asking-»

«Then ask me how I am instead of pointing out flaws for fuckssake», I yelled.

He sighed, «I shouldn't have asked».

«No, you shouldn't have», I hissed and turned to leave.

«Leonie», Snape said loudly. I hesitated, but stopped by the door and waited for him to say something more. «My apologies. I usually ask Poppy to talk to my students when my coworkers are concerned about a student's wellbeing», he explained and cleared his throat, «I am simply no good at it».

«No shit», I murmured, «though I don't think McGonagall wanted to know if Blaise and I are fucking».

«I didn't finish that question», he replied dryly.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now