18 • So Heartless

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I stopped by the door and looked over my shoulder to meet the professor's gaze. «What?», I asked, flashing him a smirk.

Snape was quiet then, as if he lost himself for a moment. The glint in his dark eyes made me curious, but before I got to ask once more what was on his mind he shook his head and darted for his supply closet.

«Severus, I don't have time for this», I exclaimed and rolled my eyes.

He emerged from the room like the dark shadow he was, «you must drink this», his deep voice spoke as he approached me holding a vial in his hands.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise of his demand, «I mustn't do anything», I replied and turned towards him fully, «what is it and what's in it for me?»

Towering over me he grabbed my hand and pushed it into my palm, «it'll serve to hinder your mind from exposing itself», he explained, «I don't trust your legilimency».

Lifting the vial I examined it's contents, «did you make this for me?»

«Yes», he drawled and took a step backwards, away from me.

Looking into his eyes I squinted mine slightly, «and you expect me to simply trust you? This could be anything», I said, my voice laced with suspiscion.

Snape huffed as if that had been the most foolish thing he had ever heard. «I have no other motives», he spat at me, «besides rendering you unable to go to this mindless party».

I raised an eyebrow, «just so I'd stay with you instead, you mean?»

With a blank expression he paused, as if he regretted what he'd said. Nevertheless, he went to swallow, the noise of his adam's apple bobbing breaking the sudden silence. «I suppose», he replied, his voice monotone.

The side of my lips curled in satisfaction, «simply asking would be a much wiser choice», I spoke softly, «or perhaps... begging», I added and chuckled. He glared at me, but there was a sense of hope in the way he did it. He wanted more, and it pleased me quite a lot.

I grinned, «well, bottoms up», I lifted the vial towards him before bringing it to my lips. I swallowed all of it. Gently I patted my lips with my fingers as not to ruin my lipstick again. «I have a party to go to», I smiled and winked at him, «enjoy».

Pressing the vial back into his hand I finally walked out of there, swaying my hips just a little extra.


I hadn't ever pictured my wedding day. Perhaps I never thought I'd marry. But the moment I stepped out into that courtyard and the boys turned to look at me — I felt it.

The way silence fell over them, and the way Blaise just stared... well, I gave a mental fuck you to the Gryffindor he had fallen for. I still had it.

«Wow, Leo», Pike grinned as he approached me and handed me a drink.

«I see you went with the flow», I teased, referring to his dementor costume. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

«They convinced me», he murmured and walked back to the others with me. Blaise awkwardly pulled at the collar of his cape, as if he just couldn't breathe.

He cleared his throat, «you're late», he pointed out. I huffed in return and had a large sip of my drink as I maintained our eye contact. His eyes dipped to my cleavage and so I felt like I won the unofficial staring contest.

«I put some effort into my costume, Blaise», I replied and shrugged, «which is more than I can say about... others».

However, at that moment Pansy showed up. Her voice ringing in my ears as she spoke, «it's been about fourty minutes since you left our dorm», she pointed out as she stopped next to me, looking like... a cat. «You were already dressed then», she added and rolled her eyes before sitting down next to Draco on the side of the fountain.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now